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orages lointains

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Messages posté(e)s par orages lointains

  1. Wonderful building, was crazy to let some private developers take this over and build condos up there.  People will look back on these sorts of deals  will be looked back on with real scorn.  Very sad, no matter how nice it is.  We can't get these buildings back, and we definitely will not build any more along these lines.  

    • Thanks 1
  2. On 2018-06-15 at 12:13 PM, ERJ-Boy said:

    Ça va devenir un des blocs les plus densément peuplé de la ville ?

    Peterson 250 units + C-Lofts 156 units +  Smith 180 units = 586.  Not bad.  This new one looks like it could add 200 more.  With all the hotels on Sherbrooke plus the Louis Boheme, and new Domtar hotel, the night time pedestrian traffic should be pretty good.  Now if only they would develop this densely in more areas!

    Also, this: 


    to this: 

    image001 (2) (1).jpg

    No me gusta!

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  3. To me, that looks like an office tower, which means it probably won't be built either.  But the FTQ is a serious and surprisingly aggressive player, and I wonder if it might be condos or even rental (please oh please), which would make it likely to go very quickly.  Do we know?  

  4. On 4/2/2018 at 7:53 AM, Aiglon said:

    Comment se fait-il que la fameuse ''ligne rose'' qui devait contenir plus d'une vingtaine de stations était évaluée entre 6 et 7G$, et que le prolongement de la ligne bleue qui en conterait entre 2 et 4 soit évaluée à près de 4G$?  N'y a-t-il pas incohérence à quelque part? 

    Because the plan presented is completely out of all proportion to costs in even the most expensive cities' subway projects in North America (LA and SF).  The process cannot possibly cost 3.9G, for 5.5km, it's among the most expensive in the world, with only NYC costing more (so, less than London's Crossrail, than any system in Asia, Europe, South America, and North America outside of NYC).  HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?? 

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