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orages lointains

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Messages posté(e)s par orages lointains

  1. I absolutely love this project and hope that we see similar projects at more stations.   Stations like Georges Vanier and Saint Laurent could take 20+ story towers, and Mont Royal was a colossal wasted opportunity - that should have been a project just like this, with the small bus lane in the rear exactly as we see here.

    • Like 3
  2. This project has a lot of good (design is pretty nice), but it would have been better if it were zero parking spaces, the basement levels were given to storage and amenities, and that instead of lobby/amenities, the ground floor was used to keep some small commercial component on the street, so that there's at least a small restaurant or two to keep it all active.  

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  3. Man, I love this project - the architecture, the site plan, the height and density, the rental use - absolutely everything.  I'm also truly surprised this tower is happening, very very pleased, but very surprised.  It will be the largest purpose built rental building in decades (excluding the ill-starred UQAM Voyageur station project), and with all the other apartments coming online here and there, it's a surprise that the promoteurs found the market strong enough to take the plunge.   


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  4. ^ One hopes.  The old station, the unfinished Saint Hubert Street portion of the UQAM project, and the poor metro connection are all blights that continue to impact the neighborhood.  Maybe if this "Zenith" project is successful, the dam will burst and the projects will flow.  

    • Like 1
  5. Enfin, le résultat final n'est pas aussi minable qu'on ne craignait. That entrance way is very attractive. 

    Everyone loves the density here, but a little discussed element is the street wall. So, thanks mondo grosso for the photos. I hope we'll soon start to see projects on the other side of Bleury. 

    Sait-on qu'est ce qui se passe chez le stationnement à côté du Smith? Il a l'air en transition, soit refection soit pré-démolition.  

  6. On 2019-01-16 at 12:45 PM, DemonBalcon said:

    16 JANVIER 2019...





    I love how menacing the hospital complex is in the background.  A visitor to Montreal surveying the horizon can't help but wonder what gloomy purpose those buildings hold.  A super max prison?  The headquarters of Quebec's secret police?  A facility in which a sinister multi-national corporation conducts biogenic research?  The final segment will only compound the sense.  Achieving such a stark and impressive visual impact is rare, it'll be a very long time before another such building goes up in the city.  

    • Haha 2
  7. I love all these projects more than I do the towers.  It has always driven me crazy what a wasteland all these blocks south of Sainte-Cath and north of René Lévesque were.  So far, only Bishop has been restored. Soon, Crescent will be nearly complete, and Drummond could be fixed by 2022 with some luck. MacKay is coming along as well.  Prime areas still abound, unfortunately.  Nothing at all in the mix on Montagne or Stanley, and still several lots on the other streets (aside from Bishop). With the completion of the Overdale areas, hopefully things pick up on MacKay.  

    • Thanks 1
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