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Messages posté(e)s par MARTY

  1. Just south of the Metropolitan in a 3 building mall where Zellers, an old Maxi and the infamous Millenium Club were doing business for years is now completely vacated and is just waiting for the wrecker's ball. This is a huge site that can easily accomodate 10 or more condo towers like the Villa Latella on Boul. des Galleries d'Anjou. Just south on Jean Talon near Provencher the 6 storey Bellavista condo building is having it's underground garage carved out. This great to see!! the whole island is rocking with development!!

  2. That's what you get for a couple of billion $ in Quebec.. Dull drab and ugly...Freakin architects are too shit scared to think outside the box...or do they go cheapette so that they can line their pockets ???????


    Look at this little beauty the Al Mafraq Hospital in Abu Dhabi.Presently in construction.











  3. mtlrdp....

    At least we have 4 major projects (Altitude,Altoria,Marriott,CHUM) to keep us entertained over the the winter



    What the MUHC Glen Yards is chopped liver?? I know it's not downtown but as major goes 11 cranes!!lol


    mtlrdp, I guess it was just an oversight!!


  4. Let's get back to my fantasy ...I should Eastern Canadian regional office for the TD Bank...the Scotia Bank has a serious 33 storey tower on Sherbrooke. Why not the same for the TD Bank just a little bigger- for a bigger bank. I'm just having fun, guys ..I haven't gone off the deep end ..yet!!





  5. I have an idea for this to speed up the process and get it done on time and with quality. Fuck the Bidding's bullshit anyways!


    I bid on contracts for equipment all day long and when an end user has decided what they want that is what they order. I deal with the 10 provicial governments, federal government, hospitals across Canada etc etc.


    My idea... Give the Bridge contract to a hand picked consortium that includes 1) Rio Tinto Alcan(Aluminium bridge components..who is better???)

    2) SNC Lavalin and Aecon ( any better engineering firms??) Pomerleau and Magil construction and finally the BMO and TD banks for financing.


    Voila what a consortium!!! Now you get a quality bridge, on time and on budget....Here's the clincher.As part of the deal the consortium build a real World trade center in downtown Montreal with new head offices for TD 45 floors, BMO 55 floors, Rio Tinto 45 floors and SNC builds it's second tower 45 floors!!! So we waste less money and come in at about 5 billion which includes the world trade center. The tolls go to SNC and Aecon and the banks get interest on the loans and the world trade center is a real world trade center... a tax free zone for the 2 banks for a period of 10 years.


    Am I nuts or does it make any sense at all!!! I know I am all excited just thinking about it!! Anyways just the part of the hand picked bridge building consortium is too logical to ever be considered......



  6. More info on the Rama VIII bridge in Bangkok:


    Carries: 4 lanes of roadway, pedestrians


    Crosses: Chao Phraya River


    Design: Cable-stayed bridge


    Total length: 2.45 km ...compared to 3.4 km for the Champlain


    Longest span: 300 m


    Opened: September 20, 2002


    Cost: 3.1 Billion Thai Baht which equals = $130,000,000.00 Canadian Dollars!!!


    CURRENCY CONVERTER Mid-market rates: 2011-10-13 01:10 UTC


    1.00 THB = 0.0331040 CAD --- Thai Baht - Canadian Dollar ---1 CAD = 30.2078 THB


    Holy craps!! Even if you double or triple this bridge side by side by side , giving it 12 lanes in all it would be about $400 million total...Yeah let's add the additional structure reinforcements, about another km in length and the light rail tracks and a coat of Sico paint.....maybe $900 million...This is 2002 or 2003 so it wasn't built too long ago!! So for $5 Billion dollars our bridge better be a solid bridge #1 and it better be a real beauty!!! Who am I kidding we are gonna wind up with a simple uninspired piece of crap that will cost $10 billion that will fall apart after 20 years!!! I really hope that I am wrong!! :begging::begging:






    See some construction pictures.


  7. I hope that we can get a durable bridge built in a reasonable time frame. I hope that we can get a bridge that will make Montrealers truly proud and that it will become a recognizable landmark such as the Eiffel Tower, CN Tower, Golden Gate, Brooklyn Bridge etc,etc.


    Here are 2 bridges that inspire oohs and ahs!! The first two pictures are of the Rama VIII Bridge in Bangkok(Thailand) and the second is in Brasilia(Brazil). So if these developing countries can have inspirational architecture of this magnitude...we should have a hell of a bridge with a $5 Billion price tag!!


    Click on the photos to get large views.



    Bangkok, Thailand



    Bangkok,Thailand ...Again!!!!



    Brasilia, Brazil


    Or are we destined for this!!!!




    You can get inspiration or desperation in the attached URL which has all types of bridges. Enjoy!!




  8. It has started to move...great news!!!





    Une seconde vie pour l'ancien Meubles en gros


    7 octobre 2011


    La déconstruction de l'immeuble logeant auparavant le magasin Meubles en gros, à l'angle des boulevards Pie-IX et Henri-Bourassa, à Montréal, a débuté cette semaine. Réalisés sur une période de deux mois par Entreprises de construction Panzini inc., les travaux prévoient de récupérer 95 % des matériaux, notamment le bois, la brique et le béton, afin de les remettre sur le marché. Cet investissement de 102 000 $ permettra d'aménager une voie d'évitement du nouveau Carrefour Henri-Bourassa/Pie-IX, dont la réalisation doit débuter en 2012.

  9. It is great looking and we know that CF projects are usually of better than average quality. They built Place Montreal Trust on McGill College. Just get the project started and it`ll spawn babies all around..1300 Rene Levesque is just crying out for a mega development. With the La Cite 35 to 45 storey Rio Tinto Tower and the St.Jacques Lands project right south of Place Victoria by 2020 this area should be greatly transformed from today and the downtown core cluster will be on a par with Houston, Dallas, Boston, Calgary and others.



  10. This is the Shangri-La in Vancouver


    General information

    Status Complete

    Type Hotel, Residential, Office

    Location 1128 West Georgia Street


    Coordinates 49°17′09″N 123°07′25″WCoordinates: 49°17′09″N 123°07′25″W

    Construction started 2005

    Completed 2009

    Cost CDN$ 350 million


    Antenna spire 201 m (659 ft)[1]

    Roof 197 m (646 ft)[2]

    Technical details

    Floor count 62

    Floor area 64,692 square metres (696,339 sq ft)[2]

    Design and construction

    Architect James K.M. Cheng Architects Inc.[1]

    Developer Westbank Project


    As you can see 62 floors at 197 meters is possible. I left it in large let's get the real feel for this monster Condo for Montreal...We are in the big leagues with this one, the CF project the Marriott on Bleury and I am sure some others coming on line soon!!!


    Thanks Crosby Show...Great Scoop!!






  11. constructo_logo.jpg



    23 septembre 2011


    Concours d’idées YUL-MTL : plus de 550 firmes du monde entier intéressées !




    Parcours d'entrée de ville de Montréal reliant YUL au centre-ville de Montréal dans le corridor de l'A20


    La Chaire en paysage et environnement de l’Université de Montréal (CPEUM) confirmait récemment l’inscription de 578 firmes de design urbain au concours international d’idées YUL-MTL : Paysages en mouvement.




    Ce succès de participation témoigne d’un réel intérêt pour le développement de visions stratégiques d’aménagement du parcours d’entrée de ville de Montréal reliant l’aéroport international Montréal-Trudeau (YUL) au centre-ville de Montréal (MTL) dans le corridor de l’autoroute 20. Selon Philippe Poullaouec-Gonidec, titulaire de la CPEUM, « ce concours international d’idées laisse présager la réception de propositions d’aménagement de très haut calibre pour le bénéfice de Montréal ! ».




    La provenance variée des firmes professionnelles inscrites confirme le caractère international de l’initiative avec 192 participants d’Amérique du Nord, dont 80 en provenance uniquement du Québec, 17 d’Afrique, 87 d’Amérique centrale et du Sud, 46 d’Asie, 202 d’Europe, 21 du Moyen-Orient et 12 d’Océanie.




    Rappelons que la CPEUM a été mandatée par le ministère des Transports du Québec pour assurer l’organisation du concours et pour soutenir la planification de cette démarche concertée mettant en interaction les membres d’une table de travail pour l’entrée de ville de l’autoroute 20 qui regroupe les principaux acteurs publics et privés responsables de la planification dans le corridor du parcours d’entrée de ville de l’autoroute 20. Les propositions reçues serviront d’appui pour l’élaboration d’orientations à privilégier en matière d’aménagement afin d’assurer la cohésion de ce territoire.




    Dévoilement des lauréats


    Les personnes inscrites ont jusqu’au 7 octobre 2011 à 17 h (HAE), pour remettre électroniquement leurs propositions. Le dévoilement des lauréats se fera à la fin octobre 2011.




    Toutes les propositions admissibles seront diffusées sur le site internet du concours et feront l’objet d’une exposition au printemps 2012 dans le cadre du 5e anniversaire de Montréal Ville UNESCO de design.




    Source : Chaire en paysage et environnement de l’Université de Montréal

    application/pdf icon

    Communiqué de presse - CPEUM - 12 septembre 2011

  12. GIlbert je comprend ton point mais :


    Selon Wikipedia:

    Le métro de Montréal est un moyen de transport public géré par la Société de transport de Montréal, organe de l'Agglomération de Montréal. Il a été inauguré le 14 octobre 1966, durant le mandat municipal du maire Jean Drapeau. À son inauguration, le réseau ne comprenait que 26 stations réparties sur trois lignes. Il y a aujourd'hui 68 stations sur quatre lignes, donnant un total 66,25 km de longueur (60,85 km avant l'extension vers Laval)[1]. Il dessert le centre et l'est de l'île de Montréal, une station débouche à Longueuil sur la rive sud du fleuve Saint-Laurent et trois stations desservent la ville de Laval, en banlieue nord, depuis le 28 avril 2007.



    Effectivement avec cet argent ($10 milliards) nous pouvons doubler la taille du réseau.


    I would rather see the Metro double in size which could include the east end, the west end up to Sources and expand in Laval and the South Shore. The Metro is not affected by the weather. Add comfortable air conditioned buses on the surface and Voila! You wind up with a 1st class public transport that can get you around the island in comfort and speed!! Imagine a Metro station at PET now that would be phenomenal. We just saved $1 billion dollars on that ever imaginary rail link to downtown!!!


    Put the tram on the new Champlain bridge... now that becomes need for bus lanes.. 2 tram lines in the middle of the new bridge..that would be fantastic with a terminal in downtown and another terminal on the south shore


    Je pense que le tram est un service superflu avec les autobus sur les rues principales

  13. I don't know what is so exciting about trams...They are a relic of a bygone era--- steel wheels , clackity clang with rails in the roads and wires in the air space above. They served their purpose back in the 1st half of the 20th century now let's look ahead to more modern means of transport... Bergeron is like all of the other sheep...baa baa!! Frankly $10 billion would be better spent on expanding the Metro and getting infrastructure back into shape..bury the wires that still make our streets look so shabby. No Bergeron wants to add more wires...

    Can you imagine what rails would do to our already screwed up streets and the traffic jams (Park Avenue) holy cow!!!


    Wake up smell the coffee; come up with real solutions in today's world; don't fantasize and romanticize technology which is passe

    and will cause more headaches than solve problems!! the shame of politicians that have run out of ideas!!!


    Too bad Drapeau did not have any sons or grandsons that followed in his foot steps...bloody shame!!




    • Like 1
  14. Yaccarini is getting serious...40,000-square-metre lot!!! Sorry, it's a little late ..better late than never!






    Media Advisory - Thirty International Urban-Development Experts Meet at Technopôle Angus to Plan Tomorrow's Neighbourhood


    MONTREAL, Aug. 23, 2011 /CNW Telbec/ - As part of the Ecocity World Summit, Société de développement Angus (SDA) will be welcoming thirty or so architects, urban planners, urban sociologists, and other city-planning professionals who will reflect upon tomorrow's neighbourhood—in relation to the development of a 40,000-square-metre lot located at Technopôle Angus.


    Société de développement Angus wants to develop this last lot—located at the heart of the island of Montreal—in perfect harmony with the lifestyle and work habits of the next generations of citizens. SDA also wants to create an inspiring environment in which to live, one that will become a reference in matters of urban revitalization and sustainable development.


    Société de développement Angus invites the media to attend the discussions between these experts and to visit the project's site.


    Christian Yaccarini, president and CEO (SDA), Charles Larouche, vice-president and general manager (SDA) and some participants will be available for interviews.


    When? Thursday, August 25, 2011, at 2 p.m.



    Locoshop Angus

    2600, William-Tremblay Street



    Note: Journalists who have registered with the Ecocity World Summit can get to the event aboard a reserved motorcoach. Departure will take place at 1:10 p.m. from the Viger Hall of Montreal's Palais des congrès (1001, place Jean-Paul Riopelle). Please identify yourself to the SDA representative bearing the "Charrette Angus" sign.

  15. RBC investira 30 M$ en rénovations à la Place Ville Marie




    26 août 2011



    RBC annonçait hier qu'elle investira 30 millions $ dans la rénovation de ses bureaux au 1, Place Ville Marie.




    Les travaux de rénovation devraient commencer en octobre 2011 et être achevés d'ici le printemps 2013. Ce projet permettra d'offrir aux employés un environnement de travail moderne et à la fine pointe de la technologie, qui favorisera la collaboration et l'innovation et améliorera l'expérience employé dans son ensemble.




    En plus d'ajouter à ses bureaux du 1, Place Ville Marie de nouvelles salles de conférences et de formation, RBC procédera entre autres à la rénovation des toilettes et des halls d'entrée des ascenseurs. Les espaces de travail des employés et les salles de réunion seront rénovés conformément aux normes de conception globales de RBC, qui prévoient une utilisation de matériaux, de meubles, de tapis et de technologies qui permettent à l'entreprise de réduire ses empreintes écologique et opérationnelle.




  16. logo_107056.gif



    R E P E A T -- Media Invitation - Sod-turning Ceremony for the Montréal Rio Tinto Alcan Planetarium/


    MONTREAL, Aug. 22, 2011 /CNW Telbec/ - Montréal Mayor Gérald Tremblay, Charles-Mathieu Brunelle, Executive Director of the Space for Life, and Pierre Lacombe, Director of the Montréal Planetarium, will be taking part in the festivities and sod-turning ceremony for the Rio Tinto Alcan Planetarium. The event will also be attended by the Honourable Maxime Bernier, Minister of State (Small Business and Tourism), Nicole Ménard, Minister of Tourism and Minister responsible for the Olympic Park, and Erik Ryan, Senior Vice-President, Communications and External Relations, Rio Tinto Alcan.


    When: Thursday, August 25, 2011


    What: 5:30 p.m.: Public celebrations

    On the program: Ongoing astronomy presentations, a starry sky inside an inflatable planetarium, graffiti artists from Café-Graffiti in action, ground graffiti workshops, street performers, crafts workshops


    7:00 p.m.: Official sod-turning ceremony


    Where: On the Olympic Park site (near the Biodôme)


    Parking: 3200 rue Viau PB2 (free parking for media)

    Broadcast vehicles: access to the work site via the 4777 Pierre-De Coubertin entrance


    Viau metro station


    In the event of rain, the festivities will be held at the Montréal Biodôme, but the official photo will be on the worksite.

  17. /R E P R I S E -- Avis au médias - En plus de la pelletée de terre officielle des travaux du premier îlot de la Phase I - Dévoilement de deux nouveaux investissements majeurs dans le projet District Griffin/


    MONTRÉAL, le 24 août 2011 /CNW Telbec/ - MM. Serge Goulet, président de Devimco, Michel Cholette, président du Groupe Cholette, Normand Bélanger, président-directeur général du Fonds immobilier de solidarité FTQ, vous invitent à une conférence de presse au cours de laquelle ils dévoileront les grandes lignes deux nouveaux investissements majeurs dans le projet District Griffin.


    Également, en compagnie de M. Richard Deschamps, vice-président du comité exécutif et responsable du développement économique et des grands projets de la Ville de Montréal, ils procéderont à la pelletée de terre officielle des travaux du premier îlot de la Phase I, un investissement initial de 475 M$.


    Les partenaires socio-économiques du projet District Griffin assisteront à cette conférence de presse.


    Un lunch sera servi.


    Date : Le jeudi 25 août 2011


    Heure : 11h00


    Endroit : Chapiteau aménagé au sud-est de l'angle Peel-Wellington.







  18. Hi IluvMTL


    The real urgency is that the Champlain bridge be built ASAP. Yes you are right the feds should hopefully announce the start date of construction for the new bridge in the very near future. I would certainly hope that the different players in the combined redevelopment will talk to each other about major points such as a rapid rail link or a tramway link over the new Champlain and unto the New Bonaventure. The big worry I have is that the cost will double or triple if it is delayed a year or two. Look at what happened to the Train de l'Est AMT!!

  19. That's just what we need that the price tag will double or triple!!The Champlain Bridge doe not come into the part of the Bonaventure expressway where the main rebuild will be done for this part of the project.



    If this part gets done the Feds will have to fess up and get the Champlain replacement project going. Besides, imagine everything getting done at the same time...holy crap!!


    No delays please the budget will go into an upward spiral...Remember this is Quebec !!




  20. Distribution of wealth in North America:


    1981....... Top 1% of populat1on controlled 8% of total wealth


    2011....... Top 1% of population now control 33% of total wealth...Fuckin AAAA!!!!


    Makes sense, top earners make 5 billion a year and lowest paying jobs make 15,000 per year


    Now that is just dandy...take a 5 minute break and enjoy!!


  21. Eureka, j'ai la solution pour éviter les coûts cachés dans des projets publiques au Québec ! ! Nous avons des difficultés avec la mathématique au




    Les étapes suivantes sont prouvé et fonctionnent vraiment.


    1) Prenez le prix prévu de n'importe quel projet qui est présenté.


    2) Maintenant, simplement double le budget initial


    3) Si le projet est dans un secteur rural aucun autre calcul est nécessaire. = Prix final !


    4) Si le projet est dans une ville avec une population entre 100,000 et 150,000 ,

    Prix prévue, suivez les étapes 1 et 2 et maintenant ajoutez

    un zéro à la fin du total = Prix Final


    5) Montreal, Quebec, Laval:

    Prix prévue Multipliez ce chiffre par 4 ajoutez 2 zéros à la fin du total = Prix Final!!


    Ne doutez pas de ce système !


    Les Grecs et les Italiens ont employé ce système pendant des millénaires ! Après tout, les Grecs ont développé la mathématique moderne!


    Qui est meilleur que les Italiens au règlement des comptes ?


    Nous savons comment la Grèce et l'Italie sont financièrement solides!


    Les projets suivants sont des exemples de la planification et de la budgétisation responsable!


    L'Acadie Circle $25,000,000.00 ---------$125,000,000.00

    Metro Laval $190,000,000.00--------$980,000,000.00

    Dorval Circle $125,000,000.00-------$250,000,000.00--------$345,000,000.00 (2017 tabarnak)

    AMt train de l'Est $390,000,000.00------$650,000,000.00


    La pièce de résistance!!!


    Stade olympique $125,000,000.00-------$2,635,000,000.00-----------What the fuck!!!


  22. That was the original Jesta Capital proposal for 2 x 44 storey towers...sigh!!


    Anyways the 400 Sherbrooke at 37 stories and this 2144 Bleury at 25 stories is a great compromise for the site.

    I sure would like to see that original proposal built somewhere else in Montreal.


    Maybe near the Bell Center!!:stirthepot::stirthepot:

  23. I agree with you Habsfan... I use to travel to Ottawa on a regular basis during my tenure with a former employer. Well, for over the 20 years that I would travel to Ottawa I must have taken the 417 well over 200 times.. I would, without fail, see the 417 repaved every 2nd or 3rd year. The whole asphalt surface is scraped off . Only then will the crumbling concrete base be exposed. The crews would repair the crumbling concrete areas and then repave with 2 or 3 layers of asphalt. Without this type of upkeep the 417 the 401 the 407 etc etc would look exactly like our 40 or other major Quebec highways. Ottawa has the same weather as Montreal.


    The unions, the greed, the gangsters and crooked politicians are the main reason for these failures.


    Go to the following website...some real good articles!!









    Holy Shit!! Go look at Fortier's post for the CHUm 17 and 20...It is mind boggling a crane has fallen at the CHUM Research Center...ostie is this a bad dream or a bad Joke!!!



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