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Messages posté(e)s par Philippe

  1. Mon opinion,

    ce n'est pas d'avoir des taxis sans couleur distincte qui fait que Montréal ne se démarque pas.


    J'en connais pas beaucoup des villes en Amérique du Nord ou un taxi peut aussi bien être une Malibu qu'un Camry ou qu'une Jetta...


    C'est ca qui fait le charme de Montréal, c'est ce bordel qui semble marcher, ce n'est pas d'être homogène dans toute.


    Laissons le statu-quo. Nos taxis sont maintenant en bonne état et tout va bien!

  2. Pas de Camion à Déchets dans le QDS


    Source: Spacing Montreal




    There aren’t going to be any dump trucks blocking up the streets in Montreal’s new Quartier des Spectacles. Last Wednesday, the City approved a proposition to replace public trash cans with receptacles for garbage, recyclables and compostables, all hooked up to an vacuum-powered collection system. Waste placed in each receptacle would be sucked into a network of underground tubes and transported to a central processing location (possibly located in Place Desjardins).


    At first glance, this system may seem unduly costly and invasive, not to mention energy intensive. But since the streets in the QDS are already slotted to be ripped up in order to replace ageing sewers, aqueducts and power-lines, throwing in the waste-collection system will only cost an additional $8.2 million (according to a planner who worked on the proposal). Under the new system, garbage collection in the neighborhood would rely on electricity rather than fossil fuels, which may not be a bad idea given the cost and environmental impacts of burning fuel.


    Most importantly, the new garbage collection system would also apply to residents and businesses located in the Quartier des Spectacles. For instance, the restaurants in Place Desjardins would be able to be compost food scraps, saving several hundred tons of waste from landfills each year.


    Although Montreal is behind cities like Toronto who offer composting for household waste, this initiative would be the first in North America to offer composting on the public domain and for businesses.


    ENVAC, the European company that engineers these systems worldwide, built their first trash-vacuuming system in Stockholm in 1961 and it is still in operation (it has an expected lifespan of about 50 years, although that is probably standard for sewers and other infrastructure).


    Teaching the hoards of drunken festival-goers and clueless tourists to sort trash from recyclables and organic waste is a challenge for the future…


    Très intéressant.


    Tes mieux de pas jeter ton portefeuille par erreur!

  3. Si c'est un Métro, ca veut dire que celui au coin de Parthenais va fermer! Gageons que le local ne restera pas vide longtemps!!


    Petite parenthèse, les garages de la STM a proximité vont aussi être transformé en un projet qui est pour l'instant inconnu. C'est donc un très gros bloc qui va se transformé dans les prochaines années.

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