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orages lointains

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Messages posté(e)s par orages lointains

  1. On 2023-04-08 at 7:33 AM, Doctor D said:

    Echos of McGill 1960's?


    Screen Shot 2023-04-08 at 10.26.50 AM.png



    First, that change to the buildings that you highlight is very recent (wasn't there when I attended back in the day, was there when my niece did more recently). 

    Second, brutalism is totally great, just full stop.  

    Third, the building that is the subject of this thread isn't even brutalism.  It's pre-fabricated panels, cladding really.  

    • D'accord 1
  2. On 2023-05-05 at 5:43 PM, Sp corp said:

    I am having multiple delays for the stone delivery, there's only 2 major companies that can supply the stone carved that the city wants me to install, because of all the restoration of churches/major projets in the area that take priority on smaller projects like mine, I keep on getting pushed back.. my stone as been ordered months ago and still waiting upon it ... sadly,  have a bit more patience ,  this will not be the finished product, I can assure you.  

    You're a god at getting S**t done, keep up your good work.  

    Can you offer updates on any other projects, the plateau one (?) or anything else downtown?

  3. On 2023-05-15 at 2:32 PM, Ricardo100 said:

    Dommage que l'immeuble en pointe de ce coin de rue (Parma Café) n'ait pus être intégré au projet global du HEC. Visuellement cela aurait certainement été très intéressant (finition extérieure intégrée à celle du pavillon des HEC) et cela aurait permis de découvrir un visuel plus harmonieux de l'ensemble. Espérons pour le futur ??

    i think that it's still there, no?

  4. On 2022-06-14 at 10:35 PM, internationalx said:

    Perfect they way it is.  It's insane to squeeze a tower in here.  

    This area is the new:


    It's awesome and necessary for the city, a great thing to get out of this extended cycle.  This entire Bell Center area will be an affordable apartment building area in 30 more years.

    • Confused 3
  5. 16 hours ago, Rocco said:

    J'en reviens toujours pas qu'ils ont gutté ce bijou. Passé comme du beurre dans poêle.. Incroyable. Tout est permis quand tu t'appelles UQAM.

    This is, of course, true.  However, keeping the facade and doing this sort of job is far preferable to full scale demolition like we saw back in the 1960s and 1970s when they demolished the old university and cathedral.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 18 hours ago, internationalx said:

    For all of it's flaws, The FS Hotel "cube" added much-needed gloss to the street, it eliminated a parking lot and replaced a hotel that was cheaply built (and was ugly); bringing a FS here to replace Hotel de la Montagne can't be a negative.  

    I really loved Hotel de la Montagne.  The bar downstairs was a greet meeting place, and the rooftop bar was irreplaceable.  RIP.

    • Like 4
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