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Messages posté(e)s par mcgill

  1. monctezuma En fait, sur toute la photo que tu as postée, il n'y a qu'un seul projet et c'est le 1800. Oursnoir à bien situé le terrain.


    I thought that the 1800 project was near the CCA and therefore just out of sight below (south of) the picture. The Rene-Levesque/Guy project is proposed for the parking lot just to the right ( geographical east / Montreal south) of the Maritime Plaza Hotel, as OursNoir pointed out.

  2. Thanks for visiting the expo and taking pictures Gilbert.

    I had never seen the green roofs before. I hope they stay in the final design.

    Question: The building labeled "Cabinets de medecins/Medical Offices" is the Air Canada (formerly Zellers) building. Does anybody know where Air Canada will move their employees?

  3. J'ai honte d'étudier là, heureusement que la faculté de gestion ne tombe jamais en grève sinon je m'aurais peut-être poussé pour aller ailleurs... J'aime pas l'UQAM et je ne m'y identifie pas du tout avec leur espèce de mentalité de hippies, mais elle a quand même le meilleur programme d'urbanisme au Québec... C'est pourquoi je suis là, sinon ça serait bye bye!


    Am I understanding correctly that the urban planning program is part of the management school? Shouldn't it be under a school of architecture or something related?


    "le meilleur programme d'urbanisme au Québec" according to whom? Based on what?

  4. The last firm I worked at had a 100% American English-speaking client list. Even though all the work was done in English, every employee had to be fluently bilingual E/F (i.e. there were written and oral exams) and everything about the company was bilingual (e.g. signage, employee manuals, and more). What do you guys think, fair compromise?

  5. I never realized how nice the "place" or square was before the BDC building was built. Anybody know if the outside areas of PVM are going to be renovated? There are a lot of cracked blocks and slabs, and I think the space in general could be better used.

  6. de plus, il nous on controller pour plus que 300 ans.... alors je pense que c'Est notre temps de nous gouverner, pas eux.


    Dude, WTF???

    Pierre-Joseph-Olivier Chauveau, Louis-Olivier Taillon, Honoré Mercier, Lomer Gouin, Louis-Alexandre Taschereau, Adélard Godbout, Maurice Duplessis, Jean Lesage, Robert Bourassa, René Lévesque, Lucien Bouchard, Bernard Landry, etc. All these great anglophones, oops, wait, no, they're francophones. And that's only since 1867!

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