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Messages posté(e)s par mcgill

  1. I don't get it.

    The Plains of Abraham (or National Battlefields Park) as they're called, is HUGE and it wasn't even big enough for Sir Paul.

    Are we supposed to have the BIG shows in the St-Michel quarry, or in a field in Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue? Hell no!

    So it's going to be downtown, it's going to be crowded, and there won't be room for every single person to have a great spot/view. Part of the fun of the Jazz Fest (FIJM) is the ambiance, the atmosphere, being in the QDS on a hot July night with tens of thousands of people enjoying what this great city has to offer. The Stevie Wonder show was awesome. Everyone I know who saw it agrees.

  2. I really like the idea of a big, shiny, new bridge (to replace or supplement Champlain). It would really say "Welcome to Montreal: Gateway to the Canadian Heartland! or The Hub of Eastern Canada!" Think in terms of the beginning of the St-Lawrence Seaway, the closest major city to northeast USA, the biggest Canadian airport east of Toronto, etc.

    It could be called the Sesquicentennial Bridge...

  3. Why would anyone object to using land adjacent to a highway that was planned for future highway expansion use? This is not an urban highway like Decarie or the Met, it is, for all intents and purposes, more like a rural highway, like the 20 is between Quebec and Montreal. There is no farmland, no forest or trees, no residential, commercial, or industrial usage, so therefore no reason for anyone to protest. There won't be more cars using, there'll actually be less car-hours because cars will be able to get where they're going faster (and therefore in less time).


    Anjou station - in the middle of what appears to be an industrial sector...

    RDP station - next to the prison...

    PAT station - pretty decent location.


    Anyone else feel that more thought could have been put into the location of some of these stations?

  5. I am part of a committee that looks at tuition with the MELS (Ministry of Education), and I can tell you for a fact that every student in Quebec pays the same tuition.

    Check out this document:


    Refer to these sections:

    3.1 Droits de scolarité en 2008-2009

    Pour les années universitaires 2008-2009 à 2011-2012, à compter du trimestre d’été, les

    droits de scolarité pour les étudiants résidents du Québec s’élèveront respectivement à

    62,27 $ par unité, 65,60 $ par unité, 68,93 $ par unité et 72,26 $ par unité pour tous les

    cycles d’études et toutes les activités d’enseignement offertes dans le cadre des

    programmes universitaires.


    3.4 Montant forfaitaire exigé des étudiants canadiens ou résidents permanents du

    Canada qui ne sont pas résidents du Québec

    Depuis le trimestre d’automne 1997, les étudiants canadiens et les étudiants résidents

    permanents du Canada qui ne sont pas résidents du Québec paient des droits de

    scolarité globalement comparables à ceux en vigueur dans les universités ailleurs au

    Canada. En conséquence, ces étudiants paient, en plus des droits de scolarité de base,

    un montant forfaitaire par unité.

    Pour l’année universitaire 2008-2009, c’est-à-dire à compter du trimestre d’été 2008, ce

    montant forfaitaire sera porté à 117,01 $ par unité.


    3.5 Montants forfaitaires exigés des étudiants étrangers

    (Approuvée par le CT 206921 du 16 septembre 2008)

    À compter de l’automne 2008, il existe deux volets pour les montants exigés des

    étudiants étrangers : un volet réglementé et un volet déréglementé. La présente règle

    budgétaire couvre uniquement le volet réglementé. Ce dernier couvre toutes les familles

    disciplinaires de tous les cycles d’études à l’exception des six familles du 1er cycle

    ciblées par la déréglementation (voir la règle budgétaire 2.3.7).

    Les droits de scolarité exigés des étudiants étrangers inscrits dans un établissement

    universitaire du Québec sont composés de deux éléments, soit les droits qu’acquittent

    l’ensemble des étudiants, c’est-à-dire 62,27 $ par unité à compter du trimestre d’été

    2008, et un montant forfaitaire :

    • Au 1er cycle : 325 $ par unité pour les activités correspondant aux familles de

    financement suivantes : les sciences humaines et sociales, la géographie,

    l’éducation, l’éducation physique et les lettres ou 369,52 $ par unité pour les autres

    familles réglementées.

    • Au 2e cycle : 325 $ par unité.

    • Au 3e cycle : 286,04 $ par unité.

  6. WestAust hit the nail on the head! The whole idea behind building this was to have a modern facility with two rinks for the sole use of the Montreal Canadiens... and NO ONE else. It had to be near St-Hubert airport (as others mentioned) and although it's true that many players currently live in proximity, this facility was built for the next 30+ years, so that may all change. The bottom line (and this comes straight from the press release) is that this facility will only be used on non-game days, so travelling downtown is not even a factor. The place even has a press room, large viewing room, offices, and a fully stocked kitchen!

  7. To anybody who is voting in the 2009 All-Star Ballot:


    How is it that Sydney Crosby went from 4th to 1st, almost overnight?

    I am very suspicious of this online balloting with "vote as many times as you like" and the "captcha" utility (it makes you type some words that appear all scribbled for security purposes).


    Anybody hear anything?

  8. Il était beau ce stade, je l'ai toujours vu en photo, je suis trop jeune (*cough*) pour l'avoir vu de mon vivant, il avait quelque chose de bien.


    Est-ce un mythe que ces estrades ont été déménagé et certains ont été utilisé dnas la construction du stade de Verdun qui était à côté de l'Auditorium avant qu'il le détruise lui aussi pour faire place à ces 4 tour à condo ?


    I have heard this before. And I also heard that the grandstands made their way to Concordia (Loyola) football field.

  9. Let's think about it for a second...

    Who lives in residence? Mainly students from out of town. At McGill, we have about 2400 undergraduate residence spots. Most of these (over 90%) are occupied by first year students. It is expected that by the second year, students know the city and can find an appartment. Residence is only guaranteed for first year students. There is a small amount of graduate residence space. The problem with those is that graduate students are more likely to be married and/or have kids, and therefore need more than just a "dorm room" (McGill has a few appartment style residences).


    All this being said, McGill has BY FAR the largest proportion of international students in Canada (and largest in north america for undergraduate international students). If student residences are not full, it could be because there are not enough international students at the institutions mentioned in previous posts.


    Just so it's clear, by international students I am refering to visa students, not permanent residents, canadian citizens, or refugees.

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