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Messages posté(e)s par mcgill

  1. I feel like I'm missing part of the picture... Shouldn't it be the future owner(s) of the building that need(s) to find money, rather than its future tenants? Or is it to pay for leasehold improvements? Any clarification would be appreciated!



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  2. McGill University is not under-spaced, it is over-filled. The financially responsible thing to do is slowly roll back enrollment over the next ten years, shifting towards a greater proportion of graduate students. The road to growing to nearly 40,000 students was purely a chase for revenue, unfortunately at the cost of quality. That era is thankfully over. The RVH is a pipe dream. I think in the end it will become a multi-use, multi-partner area that will benefit the whole city, including of course McGill University. It's a great opportunity for a great community project!



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  3. Comment pourrions-nous traduire en français... McGill buying Royal Vic: a no brainer.


    In my opinion, as an insider, this would be the greatest financial fiasco in a Quebec University's history, far beyond Ilot Voyageur. Like, by a factor of 10 or 15 times worse. The business proposal is so unrealistic and it's not even aligned with the long term plan of the University. The cost to taxpayers would be astronomical, with an expected return on investment and payback period that makes the Olympic Stadium look like the best public works project in history. Mark my words, this can only lead to disaster.


    Instead, let's see if we (McGill) can deliver on our commitment to the Quartier de l'Innovation. So far, all I've seen is empty promises and cocktails...

  4. Probablement... Ça ne doit pas coûter très cher de convertir un hôtel en résidence pour étudiants.


    McGill's done it a few times at a cost of tens of millions of dollars each time. I'm not sure about private conversions though, perhaps those are done more "on the cheap". Also, let's not forget there is a big difference between student residences (dorms, with private or shared bathrooms, common areas, and little or no kitchen areas - all dining is done at dining halls) and student apartments (self-contained units with private bathrooms, kitchen facilities, etc.). This may affect cost as well.

  5. Je me suis mal exprimé. Oui, toutes les universités sont subventionnées de façon égale, mais ce que je critique plutôt est le nombre de place dans les universités anglophones. Si tu additionnes les places de Mcgill, Concordia et Bishop, le total est d'au moins 80 000 places pour étudiant. C'est beaucoup. En tant que payeur de taxes, je me questionne sur la nécessité d'avoir autant d'argent servant à subventionner ces places. Je suis conscient du rôle majeur que Mcgill, une excellente institution, joue pour Montréal. En même temps, il serait intéressant d'augmenter la capacité des universités francophones.


    Solutions possibles:

    Convertir Concordia en une université bilingue.

    Plusieurs francophones étudient dans les institutions anglophones (souvent pour améliorer leur anglais), mais peu d'anglophones fréquentent les universités de langue française. On entends souvent que les anglophones de Montréal sont parmi les plus bilingues. Rien ne les empêche donc d'accéder à l'université de langue française s'ils souhaitent étudier à Montréal.


    Je comprends maintenant ce que tu dis. However, the capacity of every university in Quebec being unlimited, there is no need to convert any universities. For example, UQAM or UdeM just has to admit more students. In fact, because the funding formula for Quebec universities is almost entirely driven by the size of the student population, every university has been growing significantly over the past decade just to have more money. In other words, the size of any university in Quebec is not what's stopping more Quebec students from going to university.

  6. As-tu lu l'article? On parle d'inégalité dans le financement. C'est assez évident que les université anglophones du Québec recoivent une part un peu trop grande du gâteau par rapport au poids démographique des anglophones.


    Concernant la qualité de l'éducation, j'ai étudié à l'Université de Sherbrooke et à l'Université de Montréal et je considère que j'ai reçu une éducation de grande qualité. Si je compare avec une amie qui se pogne le derrière à deux mains pour des A à Concordia, c'est encore plus évident.


    In case you weren't aware, the same funding formula is applied by MELS to all Quebec Universities, and is based entirely on the number of full time equivalent students and the disciplines they are studying. There is no part of the formula based on language or origin of student. Therefore, all universities are equally funded in Quebec.

  7. I was very disappointed with what ended up getting built on the lot after Ben's was demolished. the 900 de Maisonneuve project looked 10x better than the hotel that ended up being built.


    It was my understanding that the 900 de Maisonneuve project was always designed to wrap around that lot, whatever was there.

  8. Je ne crois pas que ce soit très grave...les étudiants ne resteront pas très longtemps dans ces apprts. (3 ans en moyenne)


    Actually, over 95% of our students living in residence are first year students. In other words, most people living in that building will live there for 8 months, from September to April.

  9. Anybody remember that weird pyramid by the highway (can't remember if it was 20 or 40), and the big illuminated cross, and that UFO-shaped restaurant? I'm pretty sure they are all gone. I guess such is the fate of the Madrid.

    Nowadays, with people tanking once or twice a month, the number of service stations seems to be dwindling. But I think there is still an important role for highway rest stops in Quebec. And with the strategic location of the Madrid, more or less halfway between Quebec City and Montreal, I hope that the developers do something nice...

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