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Doctor D

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Messages posté(e)s par Doctor D

  1. On 8/23/2021 at 1:03 PM, FollowTheLeader said:

    When is the park that runs along the highway? will it be accessible soon ?? 

    They are working on improving the landscaping and path but no timeline for opening. They have connected it to the hill paths, possibly allowing for access up to St. Jacques. It is still closed to public but you can get to it easily from behind the U-Haul on St Jacques near access to 20 West/Mercier.



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  2. On 9/12/2021 at 10:01 AM, Decel said:

    I wonder how they deal with snowstorms and ice patches  😝

    Aside from not being built for our winters, it is the perfect hybrid: a tram without wires, a metro without tunnels. Definitely thinking outside the box.

  3. On 2021-08-17 at 5:56 PM, Rocco said:

    Something is up with this gem of a building. Clearly emergency work is either needed or going on.

    Many of these high rise buildings in Montreal were built over 50 years ago so are in need of major reno (Peel Plaza, Monfort, Sherbrooke and Cavendish, Sherbrooke and Elmhurst). In some cases it is window, others balconies, and in the case of Le 6550 Sherbrooke, brick cladding is being replaced by plastic.


  4. 31 minutes ago, Dominic723 said:

    Personnellement, on s'ennuiera pas des boiseries foncées, des faux tapis persans verts forêts, des arches dorées du lobby et rideaux à pompons.

    Photo provenant de TripAdvisor 



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  5. I stayed there this week-end for a family reunion. The interior is unrecognizable but generic, with white marble floor, stairs, white everywhere (blinding when you come in from a night of partying). Rooms are slick, but again, generic corporate feel. Something was lost in translation.

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