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Messages posté(e)s par Flynnster

  1. They should have these type of glass doors in  our  Metro's and The R light rail system. It doesn't block the view.( its glass.) Plus anything to cut down on suicides on the Metro, crazy people pushing people in front of trains is a good thing.Only thing about installing these type of glass automatic door system is the cost of installing it throughout the system.So i don't think the metro will see this system installed any time soon.

  2. 2 minutes ago, nephersir7 said:

    YES  YES I seen these lifts and look they have one in Quebec City to get up and down the mountain to the old city. They can close one set of stairs on one of the sides at beaudry. Do this for Verdun and every other inclined station. Most stations have super wide staircases. IT CAN BE DONE AND IT LOOKS TO ME IT COULD BE DONE IN A CHEAPER WAY.

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  3. 11 hours ago, ScarletCoral said:

    Beaudry metro station will close for eight months

    Posted today at 3:59 am

    In order to undergo a "youthful cure", the Beaudry metro station will completely close its doors to the public for almost eight months, between the fall of 2018 and the spring of 2019, Radio-Canada learned.

    A text by Romain Schué

    The specific dates of this closure will be announced within a few weeks, says the Montreal Transit Corporation (STM), which intends to launch a communication campaign on this subject this summer.

    The STM is planning a complete refurbishment of this green line station, which opened in December 1966 in the heart of the Village, in the downtown area of the city. It is also the deepest network in Montreal (29 meters), with the Charlevoix station.

    In all, nearly 18 months of work are planned and a call for tenders has already been launched at the end of April. The budget for this renovation has not been specified.

    Walls and floors will be retyped, as well as the long treadmills, characteristics of this station which dates from the initial network, and whose building faces Sainte-Catherine Street East .

    Electrical, lighting and signage work will also be done.

    During this period, bus shuttles will be offered to users. They will be invited to use Berri-UQAM or Papineau stations, around 600 meters away.

    "Do not harm the tourist season," says the STM

    According to the STM, a complete closure was necessary since this station has only one entrance.

    "If we had decided to keep this station open, the work would have lasted three years. Shutting it down helps us speed up this project, "said Amélie Régis, spokesperson for the public body.

    Initially, this closure was planned this summer. The STM has finally revised its plans.

    "Usually, we prefer to close a station for renovations during the summer, because this is the period with the least traffic," said Amélie Régis. But because of the pedestrianization of St. Catherine Street [until September 28], we did not want to harm the tourist period. "

    The complete closures of Montreal's metro stations are rather rare. The last one dates back to 2015. Because of again major repairs, the Beaubien station, on the orange line, was closed for four months .

    In 2016, according to figures provided by the STM, Beaudry station recorded 1.3 million admissions. This is the 63rd station, out of 68, in terms of ridership.

    Berri-Uqam and McGill are the resorts that welcome the most users. Last year, respectively, 12.1 and 11.3 million customers passed the doors of these stations. Guy-Concordia completes this podium with nearly 9 million admissions.

    I HOPE THEY WILL PUT ELEVATORS IN THE STATION AND NOT HAVE TO REVISIT THIS IN 5 years like Vendome metro station tunnel to hospital mess.Do it right the first time.

  4. 1 hour ago, Davidbourque said:

    It will be necessary to see what will be the means of pressure. But we agree that they must be careful not to alienate the public. He could do in Japan I believe, or they simply stop asking and selling the passing titles. 

    If it affects the services to the clients, the government will have no difficulty in passing a special law. 

    They should lock up the fat cats on both side in a room until they have a deal. The public shouldn’t to be held hostage because the two side won’t do there jobs. We all know they will come up with a deal giving them more money and what ever , which will cost the public more money.They should get the cost of living increase like most québécois get.And not a penny more.Free uniforms and training could be included.and perks to the insurance plan.Thats it.

  5. I agree to having a steel framed over pass, but I think planter boxes all along the bridge would be a good enough solution. Having lights design to give it a beautiful look. It’s to get people from point A to B but to also keep cost down. Governments throw these millions around like its nothing but like everything in life the ....... is going to hit the wall ,sooner than later.( someone gonna have to pay ? the bill )

  6. I wonder in 40 years what they would think our architectural style. Because they way I look at it we are all going to be metal and glass structures .Its like when in Jurassic Park they brought the dinosaurs back to life all  the Archaeologists were out of business.Shame that they rarely do they marry the two. But in the end I guess if its fresh & clean and brings some pop back to a neighborhood is at least something.

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  7. Good luck with that Mayor hates cars let alone Parking ,We will have Bike racks all over the place and in the winter we will have skidoo parking. Cars belong underground hidden from the view of the public. LOL

    • Haha 1
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