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Messages posté(e)s par Mondo_Grosso

  1. On 2019-09-19 at 11:56 AM, Acajou said:

    19 septembre 2019


    I think that the CHUM is taller, no? It's going to take time to get taller buildings, confidence will grow and the need to build higher for better views will increase. For comparison, the Toronto boom started with small buildings like this as well.

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  2. 3 hours ago, go_habs_go said:

    Agreed but the true sign that Montreal is really back on track will be once new office towers start to sprout up the way condos have. Unless I'm mistaken, the BNC is the only 'pure' office tower that is being built out of all the new towers downtown, no? I know there are some being renovated (e.g. Viger) and that VSLP will have some office space, but if we're talking brand new office-only towers I don't think there's anything else (please correct me if I'm wrong).

    Either way, I'm just happy to see all this construction downtown!

    You can't look at it by large buildings, it's by square footage rented/created. 1 million square feet (equal to Place Ville Marie) of new office space is expected to be delivered in Greater Montreal over the next 12 months, %70 of that is pre-leased.

    There are a lot of new smaller office space being built in central (Ville Marie), midtown (Mile-End, Decarie, Lachine, St-Henri) and suburban (Laval, Rive Sud). Downtown we have VSP with 330 000 square feet, Humaniti with 64 000, Gare Viger will have 150 000, etc. Those 3 projects alone have more square footage than the new Maison Manuvie.

    Then there's conversions of old buildings like gare Viger, Windsor station, warehouses all over greater Montreal. The last quarter (Q2), saw positive absorption of office space, meaning more was rented than created. If this trend of the last 3 years continues, it will only be a matter of time before our market needs a large building.

    And waiting until 2023 for 600 de la Gauchetière to free up doesn't seem like a viable option.

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  3. 20 minutes ago, paulwillyjean said:

    Je dirais depuis les années 90, qui nous ont donné le 1000 de la Gauchetière et le 1250 René-Lévesque.

    Les membres oublient trop souvent cette période. Les années 90 nous ont apporté le 1000, 1250 René-Lévesque, 1501 McGill College, la tour Scotia, etc.

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