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Messages posté(e)s par nickdude


    Best case scenarios (I'm a dreamer):

    1) Announce new owners of Expos and plans to build a stadium in the parc

    2) Massive lookout tower to be built that would allow scenes above and beyond mont royal.



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  2. On a more positive note. All 3 forms of government are montrealers: Coderre, Couillard and Trudeau (born in Ottawa but MP of papineau riding). Also, all three are liberals. I could see more federal funding coming our way, as opposed to the last 10 years...the conservatives had no love for Montreal.





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  3. Ok but this doesn't answer why Montreal is just not generating any incremental economic activity.


    Toronto is at 5.4


    Montreal became a service based industry when all the head offices left for Toronto. No high level strategic decisions are made here unfortunately. And head offices will not come back because of the language laws - imagine converting all your systems and files to French? Huge endeavour. And even if the language laws loosen, they still wouldn't come back...why spend money moving and forcing your employees to move when you really don't have to? Also your real estate is worth more over there (think of a billion dollar public company's office tower near university and front street).


    Growth in Montreal will come creating new businesses from scratch. Again, a huge endeavour.



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  4. Calgary it's also due to the decline in oil prices. There's been a shift out of oil and into manufacturing based in the east (Ontario and Quebec). Economists foresee oil to stay low in the short term, so Montreal should recover a bit.


    And for the USA, it seems like quantitative easing is doing a good job of masking the real truth. Those numbers are pretty brutal. I don't feel so bad anymore!



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  5. Coderre étant un grand fan du CH ça risque beaucoup plus d'être 50 ou même 60 étages... tant pour les Ti-Namis du monticule.


    Looking for some education here...What's Coderre's role in the height restrictions? Does he have final say or any say at all?



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  6. Urbmtl. I understand your point of view.


    But at the same time, I don't see a lineup of investors with 2B in their pocket wanting to build a commercial building.


    We have to get rid of these restrictions if we want Montreal to be a metropolis a la Coderre. That's all I'm saying.



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