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Messages posté(e)s par nickdude

  1. CF themselves didn't ask for 210m, their plan was to get a height limit increase that would allow them to build up to 170m high for TDC2 and build up to 180m high for 750 Peel.


    "Les promoteurs veulent qu'on passe de 120 a 210m"


    Am I missing something?



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  2. 15 minutes a pieds? Aucunement. Plus comme une demie-heure.

    Et je ne sais pas si t'es déja passé dans le coin mais les vents sont terribles.

    Aucun metro a proximité....

    Recette pour le désastre. Ca me fait penser au Stade BMO a Toronto.


    It would be a 15 minute walk from bonaventure metro station. Scroll up in the thread, we've gone over this story already.



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  3. Excellente analyse. Moi non plus je ne veux pas d'un gratte-ciel sur ce terrain. Le square devant serait étouffé, et la trame autour n'a rien à voir. J'aime bcp le design, je trouve ça assez européen, mais des matériaux cheap pourrait le rendre kitch, à suivre.


    Disagree. That huge lot deserves a skyscraper. Anything less would be a disappointment.



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  4. My point is that when an investor says I want to build in Montreal, and these committees push back, it pisses investors off. And from an investors standpoint, I totally get why they decide not to build here because of all the red tape and committees. Bad enough if its foreign investment, even worse when it's un gars de Chez Nous. C'est tout bob.



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  5. Cette proposition n'est pas plus près de se concrétiser que les 2 tours QDS de Canderel, ou les 2 tours 750 Peel de CF, ou les 2 tours Place University de Magil Laurentienne, ou les deux tours Place de la cité internationale de Westcliff, ou le 1215 Square Philips de Canderel...


    Personne n'a annoncé vouloir aménager là.

    Donc honnêtement, il n'y a pas question ici de perdre des jobs. Faut pas exagérer.


    Not exaggerating. Just don't understand why you would give a company like cirque du soleil, which is deeply rooted in this city and province, such a hard time? These companies are too important for us. That's my argument.



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  6. Time line of Maison Alcan in this article. Culture minister department has up to one year to value property and make a decision. I like the idea of preserving heritage, but man, cirque du soleil wants to build a nice 30 floor tower in a deserving area and this committee is giving them a hard time. Might as well tell them no thanks, go spend your money elsewhere and give jobs elsewhere #annoyed




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