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Messages posté(e)s par nickdude

  1. Maison Alcan project put on hold:




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    Maison Alcan project put on hold

    CTV Montreal

    Published Sunday, October 18, 2015 4:22PM EDT

    Last Updated Monday, October 19, 2015 9:05AM EDT


    The plan to build an office tower next to the iconic Maison Alcan has been put on hold and opponents are hoping the delay will be permanent.


    The hold is to allow the city to further assess downtown vacancy rates.


    The project was met with dismay by admirers of architecture.


    “People from all over the world came to see it,” said Adrian Sheppard, a professor emeritus of architecture at McGill. “All our students used to go see the Alcan project.”


    “Putting a 30-story tower on top of Maison Alcan was not really a way to send a message of development a-la-Montrealaise,” said Heritage Montreal Policy Director Dinu Bumbaru.

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    Without opposition, Maison Alcan redevelopment will proceed


    The Maison Alcan, formerly known as the Winter Club, was designed in 1912 by William and Edward Maxwell, the same architects who designed Montreal’s Museum of Fine Arts and the Birks building.


    It opened in 1913, housing what would later become Skate Canada. In 1932, it would host the World Figure Skating Championships.


    In 1943, the federal government took over the building as part of the war effort, dubbing it the HMCS Donnacona.


    While a 1996 report of federal heritage building said that “Any surviving early interior finishes should be documented and preserved and incorporated in future work,” the building was sold in 2008, losing its heritage designation.


    The new proposal calls for everything but the façade to be torn down, a plan that Sheppard dismissed.


    “Hold hands with the old building,” he said. “Don’t punch it in the face.”

  2. Je pense que la seule chose qui pourrait faire réaliser à Projet Montréal l'énormité qu'ils viennent de commettre, c'est que tous ces emplois installent leurs pénates dans le coin du Royalmount.


    Et même là je suis pas sûr qu'ils soient capable de ce niveau d'introspection. C'est probablement la faute à Coderre ça aussi.


    Quelle incohérence de torpiller ce projet ainsi que le potentiel du secteur, et d'en même temps se vanter des grosses entreprises qui choisissent de s'installer dans le Mile-End.


    Let's form a group called "Project MtlUrb" to oppose Project Montreal. We've got enough firepower in this group to make some noise :)



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  3. I didn't say it was negative to have a basketball team. I just hope the money spent at that game is not diverted money that would have been spent somewhere else in the ''entertaining industry'' such as restaurants, théâtres, music venues etc.


    But you are right about restaurants and bars in the downtown/Bell centre area, they normally would benefit from it. Hopefully corporations would also participate a lot.


    It would also increase exposure for the city. Might have some Americans cross the border to watch some games, stay at our hotels and eat at our restaurants (as long as our dollar stays low). I could see a marketing campaign along those lines.


    I've never been to a basketball game, but I wouldn't mind going to see a few. We all know that the bell centre puts on an amazing show, no matter the venue. That alone will fill up some seats.


    1B is such a steep price tag though! Ouch.



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  4. Je ne connais rien au basketball et ce n'est pas un sport qui m'attire. Par contre si ca peut être bon pour Montréal alors tant mieux. Mais je ne sais pas trop comment ca peut être bon pour Montréal. Car l'argent dépensé au basket ne sera pas dépensé ailleurs, à mon avis.


    Au contraire du baseball, qui est un sport d'été et qui permet aux touristes de venir voir du baseball en été et aussi aux banlieusards et même aux québécois des régions de venir en ville l'été. Je ne crois pas qu'il y aurait beaucoup de touristes l'hiver pour venir voir du basket. Mais je me trompe peut-être et je ne demande qu'à être convaincu.


    You're bringing in a team and management staff who have a payroll of 100m USD, who will spend their money in the city to buy homes and other goods/services. People going to the bell centre will spend money downtown, corporations will spend, etc.


    Point being, the wealth will get redistributed. I don't see how this is negative at all.



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  5. Honnêtement, en tant qu'anglophone d'Ontario qui reste à Montréal depuis 10 ans je peux vous dire que la grande majorité des Canadiens anglophones adorent Montréal et nous envie notre scène culturelle, nos quartiers historiques (Vieux-Port, Plateau-Mont-Royal), nos marchés publics, notre système de métro et l'aspect bilingue de la ville. Certes, il y a un certain nombre de gens d'affaire qui considèrent Montréal comme problématique à cause des impôts et des contraintes linguistiques, mais une grande partie de mes amis et connaissances à Vancouver/Toronto disent, "I wish I spoke French so I could live in Montreal. It's such a better city".


    Born and raised Montreal anglophone. Moved to Ontario after university for 2 years and needed to come back. La grande ville me manquait, the good and the bad.



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  6. Merci bien! C'est gentil!

    C'était pas la journée idéale pour faire de la photo, il était plutôt tard et le ciel était gris, mais je suis content que les photos soient appréciées malgré tout!




    She looks pretty blue to me ;) good stuff!



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  7. What's helping Toronto over many other cities in north america is the canadian bank system. 6 major bank. Pretty solid. 5 out of 6 in Toronto.

    In usa there are too many banks thousands of different bank that's way too much. Also canada is protecting the bank system with no real competition from foreign bank. What's happening next TD, BMO RBC are buying a lot of smaller bank in usa. Scotia is pretty strong in south america chile, peru, caribe ,central america. This is a lot of pretty good jobs in canadian bank head office. Result Toronto seems to be like a small London.


    But Let just see the next big lay off in the banks , i think there are the next casualities.

    Too many employees in the finance systeme. I won't be surprised that something gonna happen in that sector. Internet and computers gonna make a lot of office jobs obsolete. It just the beginning.


    I won't be surprised if the vacancy rate grow way more in the office market.


    You're right about the banks!




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