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Informations sur le membre

  • Location
    Berri UQAM
  • Intérêts
    architecture, urban design
  • Occupation
    Corporate Relations

Profile du membre

  • Type d’habitation
    Condominium appartement / condominium apartment

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berri-res's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

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  1. I reached out to Devimco and was denied early closing.
  2. As I thought... Lost my mortgage rate hold. Expires in November. Mortgage rates are now 6.5-7% fixed. Talked to a sales team and they were saying sales are slow because of mortgage rates.
  3. Interested to know what floor you are on. I received notice today of delay to January 2024. Bought on the 10th floor. Panicking now because I don't know if bank will continue to hold my original rate... Wondering if anyone else received a late closing date.
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