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Messages posté(e)s par Yabucoa77

  1. 10 hours ago, rnr_ss said:

    C'est encore recommandé de sortir prendre des marches 🤷‍♂️ Mais j'avous que si quelqu'un se déplace en transport en commun pour prendre des photos des différents chantiers, vous etes mieux de rester en sécurité chez vous.

    Agreed and Agreed 100%. For mental and physical health, it is advisable for people to take a 30 minutes walk. I live and work downtown,  so all my picture taking is going from point 1 to point 2. Yesterday I walk from work to Adonis, then home. Be safe all!

  2. 7 hours ago, Rocco said:

    Rentrez chez vous, et écoutez Legault! Pas de partys, pas de photos. Maison!

    I have been working on sending our workforce home. We went from 211 employees in the Montreal office to 6 (me being one of them). I am still going as I still have to send equipment or fix issues for my team (72 in Montreal), but I will eventually go home as well. I am enabling Social distancing 🙂


  3. On 2020-03-16 at 8:24 PM, FrancSoisD said:

    Yup, it is a mystery, since tower 3 (EstWest E) seems far from topped...

    Perhaps they're storing this crane there before moving it to another Devimco location, such as to install a crane to erect another bldg in this project (or a nearby project of another promoter... Brivia's QuinzeCent?) :/

    Mystery "solved". They are moving the crane to a different part of the site. Pictures are not great (I was on taxi on the way home), but if you zoom in these pictures, you will see the crane getting built elsewhere



  4. 38 minutes ago, Rocco said:

    La photo date probablement de 1980 ou 1981 car on voit le début de construction du Palais des Congrès. On aperçoit même le Labyrinthe à la Cité du Havre dans le fond (il fut démoli en 1987)

    Thanks for the info

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