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Messages posté(e)s par Elv13

  1. Ouai, le penthouse est different, il y a pas de blind wall sur les balcons de droites et les fenetres de 2e ne sont pas aussi haute, mais sinon c'est tres fidele au rendu.


    Edit: Le blind wall de gauche est plus discret

  2. I think the ETS needs to open up the ground floor to the street for all its buildings. Too much dead wall along Peel.


    They did it for the Maison des Etudiants and Phase3 residences because the city was concerned about just that. I don't think the city enforces this in the eastern N-D section (from a Peel PoV). Otherwise I guess the will comply like they did for the other buildings. The ETS owns a real estate management corporation, it's not like they would have organizational issues if they added new commercial street front. However they will probably favor an open space plan for the ground floor if they can.

    The very old plan when I studied there was to keep part of the old brass beer making equipment as the mandatory "art piece" required for all public buildings. I hope they keep the idea. For an engineering school, it would have been a nice fit. But that was back when the plan was to punch window into the existing brick warehouse and turn it into classroom while converting the offices into INGO phase 2 (R&D outpost and startup space). That plan was killed after an administration change. It was both impractical as the warehouse wasn't designed for that and the "full" INGO complex was a pipedream equal if not worst than UQAM l’îlot Voyageur. It was also speculative development instead of putting the money into, you know, more famous researchers or new classrooms / labs.The next plan was to demolish the warehouse but it was rejected by the city, twice. The plan after that (the current one) is to wait for it to be declared unsafe by the fire department (that's not the "official" position, but well known, even here). If brick could burn, it would most probably already be a heap of ashes. Maybe with the new design they may try to bargain by renovating/reconverting what was to be INGO2 before it's too late. I don't know, I graduated years ago.

    The Maison des Etudiants was originally going to be commercial office space with half a floor donated to the student association. However thankfully that was contested and rejected before it was too late. If the UQAM had not gone bankrupt on the l’îlot Voyageur the old administration would probably had won. However they were walking on broken glass and could not afford fighting back. The AAETS will never be able to initiate a student strike, but they had enough tools to win that fight. It's now classrooms, so I am unsure what happened, but it's definitely not office space, so I guess they won.

    • Thanks 1
  3. Il y a 8 heures, MDCM a dit :

    lol p-e pas celui-ci.

    Si quelqu'un par pur hasard connait le nom de ce projet, si c'est du condo ou du locatif, j'aimerais savoir....


    Le topic est:"Smart-Condo (5675 Avenue du Parc)"



    • Confused 1
  4. Si ils pouvaient faire comme a Vienne et au moins mettrent des restaurent/bars dans les arches ca serait deja mieux



    (desole, il y a pas beaucoup de photo, mais en personne, c'est tres bien. Le bruit est pas -si- pire quand c'est au 10 minutes.

  5. The images I posted are an older design. The images a few pages earlier already had some changes. The "prison bars" on top of the penthouse window are gone/smaller in the newer (website) blurry picture. The PDF is also from a protected section (read: protected by an incompetent) and seem to use files dated before the other assets. My guess is that its an exploratory draft used for the promotional material design. See for yourself


    (replace the 0001 by 0002 for the next page)


    The PDF is here, but they "found a way" to block it


    (edit: the PDF works again)

  6. Quote

    J'aimerais bien savoir le ratio coûts/bénéfices attendu d'un centre de données en plein centre-ville...


    Je sais pas si ils vont runner ca "hot" ou si ils vont faire un gros frigidaire. Ca depend du ratio de processing vs. storage et de la half-life des serveurs. Si ils refroidissent, ils pourraient chauffer quelques buildings du CV. On parle de ~50 megawatt transformes en chaleur, voir plus. Si ils run hot, ils vont probablement juste vantiler tout ca dehors. Si ils ne vente pas en hiver, il va y avoir une colonne de mirages.

    • Like 2
  7. Pourquoi pas un ecran 5LED geant comme a Time Square sur la colonne (toute la hauteur)? C'est un prime advertising estate sur St-Cat et on ne verrait pas le reste a a cause de la programmation de grande qualitee de Roger communication. Un mur vert serait aussi une idee.

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