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Messages posté(e)s par Digtoast

  1. 16 minutes ago, MtlMan said:

    Il y a une pieuteuse sur le terrain. C'est pas gratuit ce genre de bébelle là. Ils n'ont certainement pas intérêt à la laisser poireauter très longtemps. S'il y a un retard, il ne durera pas des mois encore croyez-moi.

    That was moved from the Dowd site a few weeks to a month ago. I was sure that it was a sign that work was about to start, but it looks like I was wrong. Hopefully the delay isn't much longer.

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  2. Just to clear a few things up:

    The first floor used to extend all the way to the back of the building (the part that is being demolished). Last summer they were pouring concrete in there, which I assumed at the time was for a new floor for the restaurant, but now I'm thinking they were building a wall to separate the two parts.


    Here's a list of all the work that has been done this week

    -removal of the parking lot asphalt

    -removal of the 2 trees

    -removal of the Bell phone booth on Bleury

    -removal of the billboard sign framework on the side of 1076 Bleury

    -partial removal of the back half of the first floor of 1076 Bleury (should be done by next week)



    Also, I received some information on the upcoming Dowd project (no renders sadly)


    1) The building of the « Dowd Project » will have 16 stories and will be entirely made of rental apartments.

    2) The West end of the building, where the « historical facade » is located, will have 6 stories.

    3) The underground parking entrance will be located on Dowd Street.

    4) The garbage and recycling bins of the building will be taken out onto the Dowd Street.

    5) A restaurant will be located on the ground floor on the Bleury street side and will include a terrace in the courtyard.

    6) The construction of the building should start in January 2017 and will last about 2 years. Also, during the excavation of the underground garage, dynamite will be used. The completion of the entire project is expected by April 2019.

  3. New update. The parking lot on the corner of de Bleury and Dowd is now fenced off as of today. I also saw a surveying team there a few weeks ago, and some people on the lot carrying around a set of A0 size drawings back in September. All this makes me believe that we'll be seeing some more information about this project soon. Which makes sense; the whole area is seeing massive development, so there's probably a push to get this one going too.

  4. Just to give an update, I've seen over the last week workers move a whole lot of construction material into the building next door that used to house the sales office. They're working on something in there; if it's a new sales office I imagine we'll hear about it in the next month or two.

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