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Messages posté(e)s par Formica

  1. 10% pour la 2 mais ils continuent à vendre la phase 1.. Tant qu'à moi, j'me fou des ventes en autant que ça lève. Le promoteur est un 'ptit vite', il va pas niaiser à attendre le 50%+1...


    Actually 51% is a commun requirement of most financial institutions (ie; bank)... Unless you don't need financing, or can front a large portion of it upfront....



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  2. Je reviens sur ce bâtiment de Varsovie, que je considère être le meilleur exemple. Varsovie n'est pas particulièrement une ville riche, mais elle fait partie des villes qui ont compris le cycle dans le bon sens.


    I agree that is a nice looking building… :cool:


    Ce bâtiment n'a aucunement coûté plus cher du pied carré que celui proposé ici au 685 Saint-Maurice.

    … but I do not see how that would not cost more than the building proposed here if it were built in Montreal? Perhaps using non-unionized Polish labour?


    L'astuce, c'est d'avoir utilisé des panneaux d'aluminium jaune pour économiser sur plusieurs pieds carrés de brique.


    Actually, aluminum inserts cost more than a continuous brick walls here, but in this case the link mentions it’s textured acrylic paint (what people often call stucco here). Even metal or fibrocement inserts often cost more because of labour production.


    L'argent économisé a pu être utilisé pour donner une texture dans la brique, en enfonçant certaines d'entre elles (ce qui ne coût pas plus cher en matériaux, mais un peu en main d'oeuvre).


    Actually it adds a substantial amount to the masonry labour costs… especially for that Warsaw building where the architect has dictated the position of every single brick. The masons would have to refer to a master pattern drawing to install each one. There is also the additional challenge that a lot of that brick is actually visible from both sides, meaning it has to be a special brick (standard brick has only one finished face) and the mason has keep both sides clean and rake out the joints on both sides. For those who have watched brick being installed (or installed some yourselves), it becomes quite apparent that it would require quite a bit of skill and time. I’m not saying it doesn’t create a pleasing effect… but how much more rent people willing to pay for it?


    Pour ce qui est du désalignement, de nos jours, la brique est supportée en moyenne à chaque deux étage.


    Actually code requires structural lintels at every floor for buildings taller than three stories… and it doesn’t allow for masory to be installed free standing (as it is on those balconies) due our earthquake provisions


    I’m not saying that we are doomed to boring architecture, but unique/creative architecture pretty much always adds cost to the construction. I, personally, would be willing to pay more… as do many architects I know. Just look at their personal homes. I wouldn’t even blame the promoters… as they can't rent or sell you a place for more than the market dictates.


    In my honest opinion, the issue is Montreal housing costs have not kept up with labour and construction costs here. Given those costs, it’s hard to believe that there are some 2 bedroom units renting for under 1000$... !!

  3. Hum! comme je l'ai dit précédemment, absolument rien ne garanti que si on laisse les petites maisons là, qu'elles le demeureront. Il faut être très réaliste dans ce dossier et comprendre que les proprios de cet alignement pourraient très facilement gâcher irrémédiablement le paysage par quelque chose de cheap et de mauvais goût, peut-être même avec du béton préfabriqué, tout en respectant les règles de zonage.


    I realise it’s an old quote, but was wondering what was going on with this project, and I came across acpnc’s post.


    I totally agree with him on this one that the risk is there… especially given that the municipal tax role already shows they all belong to one single owner. Who knows why they decided to hang on to them, forcing the QdS to wrap around them… but I doubt it’s long term plan is to simply collect those retail rents.

  4. J'aurais pensé que le dynamitage serait interdit dans une zone si dense en immeubles non?


    C’est permis… les régulations sont basé sur les vibrations crée. C’est possible de les contrôler avec les charges utilisé et leurs emplacements. Les vibrations sont problématiques même en utilisant des marteaux hydrauliques, car le roc devient de plus en plus dur en descendant.


    Je me demande combien ça peux faire augmenter le coût de construction de creuser dans le rock vs dans le sable d'une ancienne plage du temps de la mer de Champlain ?


    C’est 3 à 5 fois le cout par m3 …

  5. Can anyone confirm if they are using a standard curtain wall system, rather than a window wall (installed in front of the floor slabs versus installed from slab to slab and then hiding the edges with glass), as that is what the photos seem to indicate. A close-up of the top of the glass should show it.


    I noticed that in the Tour des Canadiens thread, someone posted a wall section that seems to indicate that one uses regular curtain wall... so I'm curious if they've opted for a similar system here. The issues with curtain walls in residential construction is sound transmission, especially when the bedrooms are vertically stacked.

  6. Without adding to the many "guesses" to the reason of the esthetic change, I would like to agree with those who feel it was not cost related as stone or even "artifical stone" will not have a net savings over a standard curtain wall... leading me to believe that the compromises asked for / made were much more complexe than just "taste".


    Having done work in the area, i'm curious to what they will do with the many windows which face that empty lot... close them up or create an interior antrium?

  7. How can it go so slow is beyond me...


    The building was underpinned, and several new Parking Levels were added underneather the existing structure, very much like what was done to the Holt Renfew building years ago. The tedious "excavation" phase seems to have been done simultaniously as they began renovating the above ground floors.... except, they probably delayed the installation of the heavy materials (like the macony clading, ceramics, etc...) until the underpining was completed.

  8. La maçonnerie est au 9ieme étage aujourd'hui (façade d'Industriel) et il manque qu'un étage et demi. Selon moi, les photos de Maximus ont été prises ± mercredi passé.


    Est-ce que nous pouvons emménager à notre condo, si l'installation de fibrociment n'est pas achevé?



  9. J'ai aussi pris quelle que photos à l'intérieur de l'unité modèle pour ceux qui sont curieux. Noter que je ne suis pas un photographe, et je trouve ça difficile de capturer la "ambiance intérieur" avec mon appareil P&S ... mais ça donne quand même une idée...













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