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Messages posté(e)s par jesseps

  1. It looks like an interesting project, but looking at this from as a person who has been living in France for about 19 months. This project needs a bakery and corner store, so people can walk around and not need to take their car. They should also envision a small school, since you are building 1000+ units you can expect there will be at least 100-250 kids running around. 

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  2. 18 hours ago, Rocco said:

    Bonne chance à tous. Vous n'avez même pas idée de ce qui s'en vient.


    I guess get out of the market now and buy back in 2024 and sell before the sky falls in 2028.

    What would be nice to see the price of gold and silver during the same period.

  3. Just build the damn thing already!

    I took the "TGV" from Nice to Paris. The Nice line wont be actually TGV friendly for another 2 decades or so. It takes forever to build 😆We will still need to pass through Marseille and the billions being spent is so people save an hour. 

    It is nice taking the train, it just sad it sometimes as expensive as a low cost airline. Also SNCF started to have competition on some lines from rivals from other countries.

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