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Messages posté(e)s par joemtl33

  1. Can someone explain to me the concept of the "construction holiday." My understanding is that all construction workers in the province of Quebec are mandated to take the last two weeks of July off for vacation. Was there a specific reason that the government felt the need to mandate specific dates for all workers to take a holiday and why were these two weeks chosen?


    Also, do construction workers receive a set number of weeks that they can take off on their own? For example, in the U.S., workers typically receive 2 to 4 (sometimes 5 depending on seniority) of vacation a year and they schedule that time on their own through their supervisors/human resource departemnt? Is there a similar setup among Quebec construction workers, or will these two weeks be the only vacation they get over the course of a year?


    Has there ever been a discussion regarding the impact of shutting down a worksite for two weeks visa vis construciton schedules, cost, security at the sites?


  2. I can't imagine what you would have said if we had spent millions removing the tracks when quite frankly asphalting over didn't hurt anybody (and very common in other cities where trams are no longer used). The fact that you haven't notice them for 50 years proves my point. :)

    This is absolutely unbelievable. The trams are gone as of the early 1960's and these rotting tracks are still there. No one is responsible and that just blows me away.What a bunch of SOB's are running city hall. People should be in jail for this type of shit. Let's get some real inspectors for the city hired. Real Civil engineers with a mandate to get this type of shit fixed now!! We are a laughing stock of North America. What the hell are the governments doing with our money...oh yeah taking care of their friends..


    Have great day!!!:shiftyeyes:

  3. Le secteur a toujours eu des problemes d'etinerance, toxicomanie et criminalite mais je constate une deterioration marquee depuis quel que temps. Malheureusement, je crois que la pietonnisation de la Sainte-Catherine dans le village a contribue a rompre l'equilibre qui avait dans le secteur en creant des espaces qui favorise le flanage et par le manque de surveillance policiere. Parait-il que je ne suis pas le seul car une petition est en ligne depuis peu pour reclamer d'avantage de surveillance et l'etablissement d'un comite mixte afin de trouver des solutions aux problemes car evidement, la repression ne peu pas aider a elle seule a retrouver un equilibre a long terme dans le quartier.


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