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Messages posté(e)s par QUEBECOIS

  1. Private clinic planned for Montreal








    Montreal promoters Linda Jurick and Claude-Michel Morin are determined to start construction this summer on a seven-storey 200,000-square-foot private clinic in downtown Montreal. Property owners, the Essaris Group Inc., is planning a 28-storey luxury apartment tower above the clinic.


    There will also be a five-storey underground parking lot with approximately 300 spots.


    Construction permits have not been requested by either of the developers from the downtown Ville Marie Borough for the site located at the northeast corner of Mountain Street and Rene Levesque Boulevard, which currently serves as a parking lot.


    “(Borough officials) know that we are moving rather quickly and that the request will be coming in the next month,” said Jurick, president of TaLin Medical Planning. “We are not asking for any derogations. Based on our discussions with the city and borough, we do not anticipate any problems.”


    Place Metropolitaine, with an estimated construction cost between $45 and $60 million, will be a full multi-disciplinary health care centre. The structure will take about 28 months to build.


    “We’ll have a comprehensive oncology and surgery centre,” said Jurick, “and our focus will be primary and secondary care.”


    Leclerc and Associates Inc, an architectural firm based in the greater Montreal area, is designing the clinic in collaboration with Pageau Morel & Associates, using LEED elements.


    DCYSM Architecture & Design is designing the residential section, including the shell of the entire structure. The apartments are expected to occupy approximately 280,000 square feet.


    The clinic, says Jurick, will be “state-of-the-art,” including an HVAC system that surpasses ASHRAE and AIA and Health Care Facilities Guidelines 2006.


    In addition, a telecommunications and electronic system will make the clinic the first completely digital and paperless health care centre in Canada.




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