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Messages posté(e)s par frolofobo

  1. Ce que je trouve désolant pour les projets d'habitations de haute densité comme ce projet, Urbania, les projets de condos sur Saint-Élzéar et celui sur Léo Lacombe est non seulement le design, mais qu'ils n'améliorent/ contribuent pas le dynamisme des quartiers avec des commerces au rdc ou un centre communautaire. J'espère que la ville ne manquera pas le coup de favoriser des bâtiments à mixte-usages quand le Centre-ville et les artères principaux seront densifier. 

    • Like 4
  2. Bonjour tout le monde, 

    So i was surfing wiki the other day and saw that Toronto had surpassed Montreal in rapid Transit ridership, 416 million vs 383 million. However, the table also shows that daily ridership of TTC subway is around 20k lower than that of Montreal. I looked at the linked reference from APTA for Q4 of 2018, and it shows that the TTC subway has 289 million annual ridership with a lower daily ridership of 1.292 million. Why are the variables so different? Has there been an undercounting in Toronto or an overcounting in Montreal? Even then, where does 416 million riderships come from?? 

    Could somebody please explain me this? I'm super confused..


    Qu'en pensez-vous? 

    Is it a good idea to let the old Shriners get demolished to house the new Chinese Consulate?

    Frankly, i do not like the idea that a controversial authoritarian country would be building their embassy on top of Mount Royal. Its symbolism gives me the creeps. 

    • Like 2
  4. First off, i have basic skills in Photoshop, so please bear with me. Secondly, i tried to contrast the image as much as possible but the lack of jpeg on the image does not allow me to further "enhance" it as it blurs easily.  What I reluctantly came up with is around 200-230 (is that even possible?) by distinguishing the darker tone of the ink and lighter tone of the paper .  I inserted 2 images: 1 I scribbled on, the other i did not touch. 

    What do you guys think? 




    not touched.JPG


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  5. Here is my 2 cents, It is an uninspired and boring glass condominium. What really pisses me off is the fact that they only framed the old Duke Investment building with curtain walls instead of integrating it to the design of the new building. The façadisme is more of an insult rather than honoring the old structure. 

    • Like 2
  6. Je ne sais pas où mettre ça, but i think these videos embodies the namesake of the thread. 

    Anyways, the guy in the video vlogs is a famous Filipino youtuber and he is really popular within the filipino communities all over Canada and perhaps the world.  He truly has a deep affection with Montreal as many of us do in this forum, even though he's from Toronto.  The videos are a bit long (25 minutes) but they are really fun to watch.

    Hope you guys enjoy it as much as i did! 


    • Like 2
  7. Salut gang! Voici quelques photos que j'avais pris au YUL lors d'un p'tit tour du site. 20170322_141250.jpg They finished pouring concrete on the 36th floor.

    20170322_141945.jpg Core of the building is yet to be poured with concrete.

    20170322_140557.jpg Shoring platform on the lower floor.

    20170322_144718.jpg Les maisons de ville progressent bien

    joists and rock.jpg In addition. I visited the Old Lafontaine house. There are little to nothing left from its original construction. This is mainly due to several modifications to the building during the 20th Century, the botched restoration from the early 1990s and of course its long abandonment that lead to its severe deterioration. The house will be eventually be lowered down to the original level of the wooden joists. (as pictured below)


    P.s I don't know how to turn the images. Sorry in advance

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