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Messages posté(e)s par BilMo

  1. On ‎05‎/‎04‎/‎2019 at 12:02 PM, Taptrick said:

    Too late. They've been renovating Berri-UQAM for like 10 years now.  They could just dig westbound from the end to go toward the Molson Stadium/Parc/Des Pins if that's something that's considered worthy.

    My main objective in this exercise was for the YELLOW line to correspond with the ORANGE and GREEN lines separately, closer to the downtown core. This would put it in line for an extension along Parc. The feasibility of a station in the old port would be a bonus. Perhaps, the tunnel to Berri could still be used.

  2. On ‎07‎/‎02‎/‎2019 at 9:30 PM, Habsfan said:

    Pourtant le fleuve est beaucoup plus Nord/Sud que Est/Ouest.


    23 hours ago, Marc90 said:

    Pas à l'échelle continentale, et pas à l'échelle coloniale non plus, dont le discours s'est maintenu dans l'enseignement de l'histoire. Les explorateurs voulaient aller vers l'Ouest, et le St-Laurent était une porte vers l'Ouest, pas vers le sud :P Et quand on regarde le continent, les grands lacs ne sont pas au sud du golfe, mais bien à l'Ouest. Bref. Sémantique. 

    I guess what throws the whole thing off is how the river runs due north as it passes downtown Montreal.

  3. 19 hours ago, Marc90 said:

    Bien d'accord avec l'idée (d'ailleurs ces trains passagers ont pour la plupart déjà existé jusqu'aux années 60-70, ils ont été supprimés et plusieurs rails détruits, comme la ligne du P'tit train du nord), mais je vais me permettre une correction de nomenclature : Mont-Tremblant - Sherbrooke c'est Nord-Sud, et Québec - Montréal c'est Est-Ouest. Même si ça paraît illogique géographiquement :P Le Fleuve est un axe Ouest / Est dans la boussole populaire québécoise. hah

    I am always fascinated about the geographic orientation of Montreal. Every time I approach the city or view it from outside, I see the tilt of its axis. Once I am in the city, streets parallel to R-L settle to east/west.

    Mont-Tremblant to MTL, I can see calling north/south. But, the MTL to Sherbrooke segment?


  4. My first step out into Montreal was from a bustling Windsor Station. I looked up at the Laurentian (where we were to stay) and the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce with its antenna souring behind it. The hotel had its main entrance on Peel and another one on Dorchester BLVD. Some restaurants and stores opened onto the street. Across Dorchester was the CIBC tower with its open plaza fronting on Dominion Square and observation deck on the 45th floor. The Windsor Hotel was still open at the time as well.

    Today, this section of Peel Street feels a little sterile in comparison.

    • Like 1
  5. My first step out into Montreal was from a bustling Windsor Station. I looked up at the Laurentian (where we were to stay) and the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce with its antenna souring behind it. The hotel had its main entrance on Peel and another one on Dorchester BLVD. Some restaurants and stores opened onto the street. Across Dorchester was the CIBC tower with its open plaza fronting on Dominion Square and observation deck on the 45th floor. The Windsor Hotel was still open at the time as well.

    Today, this section of Peel Street feels a little sterile in comparison.




    • Like 3
  6. On ‎10‎/‎03‎/‎2018 at 11:37 PM, INDUSTRIALPULSE said:

    C’est bon de savoir qu’il y aura possiblement une tour, mais ce que ce site a vraiment de besoins est une magnifique entrée à la gare centrale. Le Centre Bell a condamné la Gare Windsor il y a 23 ans, et Montréal est en grande manque d’une Gare de train à la hauteur d’une ville d’envergure. 


    On ‎12‎/‎03‎/‎2018 at 9:37 AM, BilMo said:

    Where do you see this great entrance? Mansfield? University? both?


    On ‎12‎/‎03‎/‎2018 at 11:25 PM, Mondo_Grosso said:

    De la Gauchetière St. is the simplest answer, as the Indigo parkade bldg. and the Central Station levsl passenger drop and car rental floor shall be demolished anyways, and then rebuilt in the process of building a tower. This would represent the perfect occasion to create a grandiose entrance at the very level of the station's main floor. (This, as opposed to the horrendous narrow corridor presently offering visitors views over... the parking!)

    Plus, Belmont St. is barely wider than a big alley, and would require demolition of either CN's office tower, or the one on the opposite side of the block, so this most certainly won't be considered.

    Though not the simplest solution, I would like to see this grand entrance on RL. It would occupy the eastern portion of the Queen E opposite the PVM plaza and be aligned with the McGill College corridor. This entrance would be a level above the stations main floor while still opening up into the great hall.

    In this vision, Gare Centrale could be considered the southern terminus of the McGill College promenade. 

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  7. On ‎3‎/‎10‎/‎2018 at 11:37 PM, INDUSTRIALPULSE said:

    C’est bon de savoir qu’il y aura possiblement une tour, mais ce que ce site a vraiment de besoins est une magnifique entrée à la gare centrale. Le Centre Bell a condamné la Gare Windsor il y a 23 ans, et Montréal est en grande manque d’une Gare de train à la hauteur d’une ville d’envergure. 

    Where do you see this great entrance? Mansfield? University? both?

  8. 23 hours ago, Gabmtl said:

    Parce que Berri-UQAM est surchargée et plus que saturée, et ce, en partie parce que tous les usagers de la ligne jaune doivent y converger, alors que leur destination, dans la grande majorité des cas, est le centre-ville.

    Has there ever been any talk about making the "CHAMP DE MARS" station into a transfer station with the YELLOW line?  Wouldn't that give some relief to BERRI? 

  9. 9 hours ago, andre md said:


    Si ca pouvait ressembler a cet edifice a logement de Buenos Aires de style art deco et tout en degradé j'aime bien cette tour.

    El edificio Kavanagh




    When I first looked at this image, I imagined that I was in front of the Marriott Chateau Champlain. I wish something like this was in place of the Laurentien Building.

  10. On ‎6‎/‎12‎/‎2017 at 8:32 AM, man with the golden gun said:

    C'est certain que Montréal est très grise si  on la  compare à des villes comme Miami, Chicago même Toronto et Vancouver ont une palette beaucoup plus intéressante de couleur dans leurs gratte-ciel, mais on voit quand même du progrès depuis 2-3 ans au centre-ville.

    I always thought that green was a dominating color on the Montreal skyline.

  11. Finally registered.


    Very unique (and under appreciated) Building. However, I don't really care for the (suburban style) design of the auto drop off on Mansfield Street.


    I would love to see Central Station shifted to the south and integrated into the Building. There would be grand entrances on the corners of Mansfield and University.

    That, in turn, would open up the parcel to the north.

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