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Messages posté(e)s par avilner10

  1. i really love this project. Just out of curiosity... since these are condos that were sold off to individual purchasers, how did they enforce that all the drapes be the same? Are condo owners not allowed to change them to install their own blinds/curtains/drapes? It does look aesthetically pleasing though when they are all uniform. :)

  2. hi guys, sorry I didn't realize that this was still being referred to as the Sax project on the forum. It's a high-end rental project being developed by Mondev. My guess is that given the luxury type of units, it might be branded under something other than Mondev, which is known for its entry-level apartments.

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  3. I would have to disagree with you dbzkid888 . They are one of the Montreal area's largest active developers, and have established a solid reputation for themselves. Every single large-scale project will have one-off cases where purchasers are dissatisfied, but overall, I think Devimco does a terrific job. Not just on the residential side, but incorporating retail/commercial into their projects as well - just look at Peel between Wellington and Ottawa! They have single-handedly transformed the entire neighbourhood.

  4. I agree! I live in the neighbourhood as well (on Soeurs Grises between William and Wellington) and I am so hyped up for Tejano to open!


    Mcgill and the Old Port in general have a great selection of restaurants, and all of them have one main thing in common - super expensive!!! That's not to say that they're no good or not worth the $$$ (I love a good number of them). However, it's nice to know that something more "accessible" is opening in the neighbourhood. Up until now all we've had is Five Guys lol...

  5. People that live in griffintown LOVE living there. Yet you manage to complain about everything and anything on their behalf. Why is that? #troll


    I totally agree! and as for the fact that all the units look the same, have you seen what the 1000s of condos going up in Toronto look like?! 100% identical. This is the new normal, guys.

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