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Messages posté(e)s par sgandell

  1. Does anyone know who the developer for the project is?

    I know Reliance is the construction company, but there is not signs, website, sales info on the project as all.

    Really weird considering that they started construction and are almost finished the excavation phase, and are not trying to sell any units!


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  2. I am in the unit closest to the factory. From where I am there is no smell ( 4th floor) and Is dod not know there was a smell problem to be honest, however when they vent steam is sounds like a steam train coming through. First time I heard it I freaked out. At first they vented one a week or so, but lately I only heard anything about once a month, so its getting better. The noise is bad to 30 sec once a month now, unless they re now venting when I am not home.


    But yah when I realized what was happening I knew there would be a problem with the CO-OP, I can't imagine how bad the sound would be if you are across the street.

  3. To answer your question chaughten, phase 3 will be next to that cement structure.


    So you have Phase two and a cement structure already built. The cement structure is going to be landscaping between phase 2 and 3. Next to that where that have just started perparing to dig is where they will lay the foundation for phase 3 and 4.

  4. Welcome to Le Canal! I am in Phase 1, moved in almost 2 months ago. I can concur that the developer and staff are really professional, I have had a very good experience as well. I quick story just to tell you about the developer. When I was moving in the elevators broke down and I had to wait 2 hrs before the movers could start. That cost me 2 hours of extra movers time. I mentioned it to the building manager and they reimbursed me the 2 hours with 4 days no questions asked.


    Let me know if you have any questions.

  5. It depends:


    1. 7am to 4pm Monday to Friday - There is construction going on both in our building and on phase 2. There is noise but at least from 7 to 8am it has not been that bad. It does not effect me much since I am not home during the day and wake up before 7am anyway and leave by 745am. When I arrive home at 6pm the construction is done for the day. However I am facing downtown and not the back which faces Phase 2, I think its loader for those units. I moved in not expected everything finished it terms of the building( my unit is done 100%), so there have been problems with the elevators, a water leak into one of the elevators on Sunday, and the lockers in the garage are not ready year. I will say that the construction team does react fast. When the water leak happened on Sunday, the building engineer was already on site, working on the problem...guess its to be expected.


    2. At night - I am facing the factories on William, there is a low droning sound at night from I believe are the the air con across the street. I am getting use to it but its not dead quiet at night. There is a lot of ambient noise in the area in general.

  6. Hey guys, I actually moved in last week. I use Videotron but the procedure is the same for bell. I had Videotron here on Friday to hook things up. It really does not take long, everything is prewired. They have to go to the telecom room on the 3rd floor then they use the wires that run to the panel /Box Jax described. All wires are already run so they installed my videotron modem in the box directly. I installed my wireless router directly to the videotorn box and left it in the panel. Seems good that way, reached my whole place no problem and I never see the router.


    Let me know if you have any questions.

  7. When is everyone's move in dates? Mine was scheduled for June 30th. However it will be ready earlier and I have the final notary date set June 18th. I have been trying to get my move in date moved up to make it easier to find a mover at a decent price. June 30th is going to be impossible.


    Have still not heard back from building manager yet. Frustrating...High quality problem since they are delivering the unit early ;)

  8. Welcome to the building! What floor you on?


    I assume you bought in phase one, like I did.


    Here is the story of the co-op. It was mandatory to build it for the developer get approval for the whole project. Other large projects are building co-ops as well for example Bassin de havre, so given that there will be other co-ops built in Griffintown, I do not see a property value risk.


    The building is physically attached to Phase 1 on one side. That it it. They have a separate entrance and do not have access to the garage or other condo facilities.



    I just have my pre-inspection, very happy, the condo is basically done, only a few small items to take care of. I might actually get my unit 2 weeks early!

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