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Messages posté(e)s par tllk

  1. About my source of this information. I went to the sales office of Bois Des Caryers (who owns the land for this current construction) and asked the sales people about the high condo buildings that I saw on this blog (the picture above in MTLskyline's post), and they had never seen this picture or heard about this project. They immediately contacted the Panzini website and had them remove these pictures. On the plans of Bois des Caryers, in the same spot where those tall (20+ floor) condo buildings were supposed to be, the new plans have 6 floor condo buildings there.

  2. Sur l'image, on voit que les maisons sont à droite et les condos à gauche.

    J'imagine que c'est plus facile de vendre des maisons sans tours. Ce n'est qu'après que les tours seront annoncées. Heureusement, elles sont vers l'est, ça va limiter la perte d'ensoleillement pour les maisons, ça ne devrait pas trop tâcher les gens.




    That project got scrapped (it never got approved by the city). They are never going to build those high condo buildings on the left. If anything at all, they are planning on building 6-floor buildings (max). This picture was from another builder and isn't the builder that is building the current project. Last I heard, they are planning in the next phase to build 6-floor condo buildings of 3.5 and 4.5 condos.

  3. Sur l'image, on voit que les maisons sont à droite et les condos à gauche.

    J'imagine que c'est plus facile de vendre des maisons sans tours. Ce n'est qu'après que les tours seront annoncées. Heureusement, elles sont vers l'est, ça va limiter la perte d'ensoleillement pour les maisons, ça ne devrait pas trop tâcher les gens.




    That project got scrapped (it never got approved by the city). They are never going to build those high condo buildings on the left. If anything at all, they are planning on building 6-floor buildings (max). This picture was from another builder and isn't the builder that is building the current project. Last I heard, they are planning in the next phase to build 6-floor condo buildings of 3.5 and 4.5 condos.

  4. Are we sure this is the right website and name? or are the towers a distant future phase?




    Yes it's the right project. They are currently building duplex condos and these townhouses (a choice of 3 different sizes of townhouses). The condos in the taller buildings are not on sale yet. I recently heard from a friend that the houses are 50% sold already.

  5. I visited the sales office this past weekend, and many condos/townhouses have been sold already. They also added a new product... a 20 by 36 house which costs $488K taxes in for the 4 floor model corner unit with hardwood floors on the top 3 floors.


    Their website is still under construction, but if any of you are interested in actually getting a house in this project... I would recommend you to go to the sales office in person.


  6. Thanks! :)


    I keep checking, but it's not up yet. I had asked on Sunday and they told me that the website should be up this week. The signs are also supposed to go up this week outside the sales office. As soon as I get the actual website address, I'll post it. All I know is that they are already selling the properties, and the sales office was super packed on Sunday when I swung by. It amazes me how many people are asking questions about this project, but there is no information anywhere to be found on it.

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