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Messages posté(e)s par Arf

  1. Construction has stopped on this building

    Maybe lack of interest in the idea of ''luxury'' rentals

    Haven't seen any movement for a long time. Doesn't look like it will be finished anytime soon.

    Satori is moving up quickly, maybe Melatti is putting all their resources towards that one.

  2. Serenity tower has been going extremely slow. I imagine they're having trouble renting out a whole tower of appartments at $2000+ per month. Not sure if the whole ''hotel living'' model will really work in Lasalle. Time will tell.

    Either that or they want to do the bricks come warmer weather, since they will retain ownership of this one as it's all rentals. This way the mortar doesn't crack and cost them in a few years?

    As for Satori, they are going slow but it's above ground level now. I'd be curious to see a bit more information on this project - there's really not much out there.

    I'll be happy when all these are completed, then hopefully the city will start to make good on their projects for the area that were laid out 10+ years ago.

  3. Looks like this is coming along, but slowly now. I can understand why they're calling them towers despite being one building. 

    One thing for certain, these buildings really tower over the area. But they definitely help make the area better than what it once was  


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  4. It was only a matter of time... that shopping mall was absolutely outdated and the parking lot, huge and under-used.


    I really wonder what this is going to mean for Lasalle though. Right next to Le Newman, and another project being developped across the street. How many more lots in this area will be transformed?

  5. I don't know who would want to pay that much for a townhouse in that area... Maybe close by, but right on sommerled, it doesn't make sense.

    I grew up around there and after visiting recently the area hasn't changed much in 20 years.

    There are still several nice old properties around this site, but this one just doesn't fit IMO

  6. J'habite a coté dans un condo style duplex qu'on peut voir dans l'arrière plan.

    Meme que le concept a l'air assez ordinaire, ces tours sont pas mal mieux que celles qui l’entourent (style EQ8). J'ai été visité un ami dans une des 2 tours déja construit et les espaces communs sont très bien entretenu. La finition est superbe dans son condo, mais je ne sais pas si elles sont tous pareils en terme de qualité. La vue est belle si ça ne dérange pas de voir la montagne verte a coté du Walmart. 

    Melatti a construit plus ou moins tout le quartier ouest de ces tours et les batiments sont encore solides après 20-30 ans. Il reste a voir comment ces tours vont avoir l'air après une couple de décennies.




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