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Messages posté(e)s par fastboi

  1. Il y a 11 heures, Rocco a dit :

    Les entreprises sont mortes de rire. Elles n'ont plus de loyer à payer et les employés se plient en 4 sur un coin de comptoir pendant que les enfants et les conjoints/es grignotent en arrière. On s'en va dans la bonne direction!

    Rocco wow oui exactement tres bien dit. Cest sa dans notre cas je dois etre tranquil comme un souris le matin pour ne pas faire trop de bruit et de ne pas passer devant la camera.

  2. Nous sommes demenager de montreal a Brossard pour se raprocher du bureau a pied. Maintenant je me retrouve en teletravail obligatoire dans notre 3 et demi a 1500 tout inclus.

    Mon employeur nous demande idealement un bureau fermer. Cela implique demenager dans un 4 et demi et augmente notre loyer de 500 a 600$ par mois. Cest absurbe que rien nest prevu a cette egard. Je travail presentement dans notre cuisine. De plus, cela vient deranger mon conjoint qui lui doit pietiner autour de la cuisine pendant le jour. Jespere que le gouvernment ou les normes du travail vont venir au secours des travailleurs.

  3. I would like to know when the government will step in to force employees to compensate for office space in our homes. Many of us do not live in houses but apartments. My partner and I have a great 3 et demi  which we love and now are permanently working in our kitchen. If we have to upgrade to a bigger place in the same building we are talking about minimum 500 $ more in monthly rent or 6000$ a year. 

  4. 194 sounds like a small number right...How many beds does an average ICU have in Montreal you think?

    I work in one so i will let you know that most have about 35 beds max. If you do the math thats almost 6 complete ICUs so far just of covid and counting. The major ICUs are in the Montreal and Quebec city region. So yes things are not good at all and is at a critical level. This week alone we canceled 8 cardiac surgeries at our hospital for lack of ICU beds.


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  5. so how do you suppose we manage this then?

    healthcare and schools and two most important factors in society.

    you do realize paralyzing the hospital has a snowball effect and could end up killing thousands of innocent people who need regular health care diagnosis, cancer screening, diagnostic testing, cardiac surgeries. I would like to hear a suggestion then? otherwise regular health care affects every single one of us at some point in our lives. You most likely know someone now who needs and is affected by reduction in care. 

  6. I just wanted to add to those who dont give a S**t about the healthcare system an think this is only a chsld problem. Let me add this to think about. During the peak we had earlier many cancer patients and vert ill heart cardiac patients unrelated to covid had their surgeries canceled because the icu had no more room or couldn't safely accept this people. Again is we dont take it seriously and control the speed and rate of infection difficult choices have to be made on who gets care or not. just hoping people are mindful of these things.


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