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Messages posté(e)s par AlexandreTazi

  1. Merci pour ces précisions, donc c'est 45 étages hors sol. Merci :)


    Bonjour, il y a dû avoir un malentendu. Ce sont réellement 49 étages hors-sol. Le dernier étage sera le Sky Lounge. L'avant-dernier étage sera composé des Penthouses qui ont déjà été vendus, tandis que l'étage suivant sera composé de nouveaux penthouses à être offerts sous peu.

  2. Hi, my name is Alexandre Tazi and I'm a realtor. One of your contributers brought this forum to my attention, and I will be glad participate to this forum to the best of my ability. As platinum broker, I now have the priviledge of offering a limited selection of units at La Tour des Canadiens Phase 2 as early as tomorrow morning (Saturday). This will be done by appointment only, at a temporary location near the future sales office. Please note that I am not authorized to reveal pricing and plans publicly, but I will be glad to provide interested buyers with this information privately. I expect that you will be pleasantly surprised with this information. Contact by phone or email is the easiest way to get ahold of me: 514-830-5777 /

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