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Messages posté(e)s par Frenziedcity19

  1. U9nngv.jpg

    Hey guys, Je ne suis pas nouveau dans ce forum, mais c'est tout de même ma première poste.

    Je voudrais seulement savoir si quelqu'un sait c'est quoi le materiel qui a été installé sur l'entrée du Roccabella. I'm not sure if it's a Bitumen waterproof membrane or some other type of material.

    p.s: Sorry for the bad quality, I had to take it from a friends camera.

  2. First Post! Salut le gang, just stumbled upon this on Reddit and seems that X-men is coming back in town for a couple of weeks.


    MONTREAL — One of the biggest movies to shoot in Montreal in years is returning for reshoots in the next few weeks.


    Director Bryan Singer and some of the cast and crew of X-Men: Days of Future Past will be back in town before Christmas to shoot some extra scenes for the film, which is the second-most expensive movie ever produced by Hollywood studio 20th Century Fox, behind only Avatar.[...]



  3. First Post! Salut le gang, just stumbled upon this on Reddit and seems that X-men is coming back to town for a couple of weeks.


    MONTREAL — One of the biggest movies to shoot in Montreal in years is returning for reshoots in the next few weeks.


    Director Bryan Singer and some of the cast and crew of X-Men: Days of Future Past will be back in town before Christmas to shoot some extra scenes for the film, which is the second-most expensive movie ever produced by Hollywood studio 20th Century Fox, behind only Avatar.[...]



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