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Messages posté(e)s par hedywong

  1. Also, since this is only 10 floors high... half the people won't (ideally) be using the elevators. Either way I'm damn glad my building has 3.


    But yeah, if anything I would consider the noisy neighborhood as the number one negative with this place.


    That's a good point. I once thought its location is the most attractive part.

  2. What do you mean by investment? Evidently, 2 elevators for that amount of units can be not enough, especially when one breaks down... but what does that have to do with the investment? There could be 50 elevators for all you care and it would not make it a better investment...


    Well, my guess is that when there is less welcomed feature, the value of the propery goes down. Tenants tend to avoid renting such building or buyers would hesitate about the purchase. Anyway, I might be wrong.


    Just wish to hear your thoughts whether the num of elevators here is a big turn off - in real life.

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