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Messages posté(e)s par gigi75

  1. Hi Gigi75


    Thanks for your kindly reply, yes i already signed with notary, they refunded me $8800 instead $20000~, so paid $10000 more on my unit. I could refuse the deal but i was also afraid this will bring some lawsuit and will drag forever, because per my Lawyer friend these small case can goes up to 1-2 years, and on otherside i will still need to rent an apartment during the lawsuit, so it will end up the same :( May be i was just unlucky on my first purchase. I am planning to buy the phase 4 of Bassin :)


    I think you took a wise decision, but a promoter that's acts like that is a shame for all the honest ones. He was in breach of contract. Not you. A modification exceeding the percentage stipulated in the contract is definitely a breach.

  2. Every new condo owner expects a loss of 8-10% in sqft... This is something everybody knows! Your numbers seem perfectly normal to me considering the plan you bought showed a square footage including outside walls, interior deviders/pillars and 1/2 of party walls.


    He said the gross sqft went down, not from gross to net, that usually goes down 8-10%.

    That is in my opinion unacceptable.

  3. 2) this is a mafia gangster family, like many others active in development here, but if you google, you'll see that we should expect from this gang the same deception we got with the waldman properties or basically any of the scam italian active types we're so familiar with, even though this one is actually gangsters from la italia;


    Interesting. How did you get infos?

  4. That lot was for sale last year at around 4 millions. Attached to the listing there were a couple of renderings. The exterior looks very, very close to the actual one. The project was already approved, in favour of a developer that usually does mass market. That developer sold the lot to the actual ones.

    The new owners basically retained the same exterior concept that was already approved. So my question is, what did stark add to this project?

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