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Messages posté(e)s par emmygrandm

  1. So this will only be condos or will they still have two small 10-20 buildings with office space? Is this still a Magil project? If so, why didn't they update their website? Also wasn't there already an anchor tenant for this building or is that Place de la Cite Int'l 2.



    Interesting unit.




    I do hope so.




    Since you like this penthouse, here is the more advanced version of the same floor plan. Yes, the project plan is that the ground floor will be reserved for commercial spaces.


    Thank you for your comments, they will be taken into account during the development of the project and the developer DevMcGill reads them with great interest.

  2. Effectivement, aucun montant d'argent n'est versé de la part de DevMcGill à ce forum.


    Les bandeau publicitaires sont générés par les annonces Google, qui utilise votre historique de recherche pour afficher les publicités les plus susceptibles de vous intéresser. Il est impossible pour devMcGill de choisir où et quel bandeau exactement apparaitra.


    Merci Rusty.

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