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Messages posté(e)s par philtastic

  1. 11 hours ago, SameGuy said:

    Am I seeing the new building overhang the preserved facades?

    I don't think so, since the tower is behind the facade of the 400, which is set back the same distance from the street as the historic buildings. The new rendering also doesn't show the facade of the building on Bleury, which was shown in previous renderings. The proportions also seem off, making this new aspect just plain weird.

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  2. Envoyé par denpanosekai


    Oh god, I'm trying to think of an angle where this view is possible... What the hell is that behind UQAM? Some of the weirdest marketing this far.


    En effet! Il semble super haut en plus d'être pas du tout au bon endroit. On dirait une vue à partir de quelque part entre Sainte-Catherine et René-Lévesques!


    That view is completely impossible, and like all the other images of this building, is a total fantasy fabrication. First, the view of the building is the south facade, so the camera is south-west, looking north-east. This makes the view of Place des Festivals in the photo also completely wrong, because you'd have to be south-west of St. Catherine and Jeanne-Mance to see the festival stage which has its back to Maisonneuve. Furthermore, the view of the bridge, while possibly correct from the POV of the building, is not correct in relation to Place des Arts.


    Anyway, all that to say it's complete BS.

  3. Am I missing something, or is the scale of the rendering of this building completely screwed up? According to the website (, the tower on Jeanne-Mance will be 28 floors. But the south tower of Complexe Desjardins (at the corner of Jeanne-Mance and Rene-Levesque) is 40 floors, with a height of 499ft ( It's possible that they could have 12 foot ceilings on every floor, but even then it doesn't pass 350ft. Also, the Marriott hotel and condos by Canvar going up on Rene-Levesque and Bleury is supposed to be 40 or 42 floors (, and is fast approaching that height. The Marriott looks to be about the same height as the Complexe Desjardins south tower, and from the specs, will actually be shorter, at roughly 450ft. So, am I crazy, or have the architects taken a very big artistic liberty...?

  4. This seems like a bad name to me! Sounds like student residences...


    It will likely be a low cost apartment building for students, because at 20 stories, it won't have many views on the city. Canvar owns 400 Sherbrooke / Hilton Garden Inn, and would not want to lower the value of units in the 400 by blocking their views with a high building. Rent at the 400 is pretty high on the upper floors. It could also be a project directly with McGill who turned the Marriott at 410 Sherbrooke into a student apartment building, and have a mandate to increase student housing.

  5. Well, in the press release ( it says the gym is on the 28th floor, while the ad in the Gazette ( says the gym is on the 25th floor... One thing for certain is that their communications are a mess.


    However, if they will actually have a climbing wall, as it says in the press release, then it becomes a bit more interesting...

  6. Called to confirm, and was told by the girl on the phone that it's 31 floors "according to the paper, which is old, and the design is not yet finalized." My source that said 28 floors supposedly spoke to someone higher up, or at least with more current info.


    The problem with this whole building is that the only decent view is east/south east, above the 10th floor, at least. Looking west, all you see is the Holiday Inn, and Le Concorde (south west), which are both around 20 stories high. North, you get nothing but the back of the 400 Sherbrooke / Hilton Garden Inn, and 410 Sherbrooke. So, at least 60% or 70% of the units will have no view, or severely obstructed views, and seeing as how they are marketing it based on the view, that will be a problem for them. Also, they need to sell 50% before beginning construction, and unless the prices are low enough for the lower floors, they may have trouble doing that with the very restricted views.


    CANVAR, the owners of 400 Sherb / Hilton Garden Inn, also owns the land of the adjacent parking lot on de la Concrode, and they determined it would not be worth building a high-rise condo development in that block for the reasons stated above (it would also cannibalize the value of the rental units in the 400, but a 10-15 floor student rental apartment building might be a possibility for that lot.

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