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Altoria - 35 étages (2014)


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Deux choses, je vie a Montréal, donc je l'ai déjà vue en vrai, de plus, pourquoi mettre du granit, un matériau cher quand ils le recouvrent de verre et d'aluminium, et la partie ''béton'' on dirait plus un enduit cimenté qu'un panneau de béton préfab. Et j'ajouterais que le granit n'est jamais uniforme, c'est de la pierre, alors je continu de croire que c'est de l'isolant







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What you're describing would be considered fraud in the US. Even if you were to return deposits, a developer could never market units he had no legal right to construct. This seems rather extraordinary.


Be careful! Fraud cannot be assumed. It must be demonstrated in a court of law. You may advance the notion of possible misrepresentation; however, your case would be extremely difficult to prove as Kevric does, indeed, have a municipal permit to construct a 34-storey building with ten floors of commercial space. The burden of proof would require you to demonstrate unequivocally that the building as designed could not possibly be built to a height of less than 120 meters. Moreover, the renders on the Tour Aimia website show exactly what the developer proposed. In a situation where an edifice exceeds its proposed height, who exactly is to blame? The municipality? The architects? The engineering consultants? Or the builder? There are too many moving parts in play to allow the developer to be designated as a scapegoat? Furthermore, to the best of my knowledge, no developer will guarantee any building dimension until a project is finalized.


Until units on the forbidden floors are sold, there is no basis to collect damages. I suspect that the penthouse units will not be sold until the structure is topped out. If they are, any contract will likely include an express waiver of liability in the event that these floors become undeliverable. As it stands, the developer has an explicit right to increase or decrease the number of floors and units in the residential portion of the building.


For further information on the legality surrounding height restrictions, please consult Neil Bindman:


Currently, the worst case scenario might result in a work stoppage and orders from the city to finalize the roof to an agreed compromise height. More likely, the architects and builders will direct the developer to apply for a zoning reclassification, a valuable experiment which might test the viability of two other projects, YUL and Jardins de Babylone.


exactly. Do you honestly think a developer like Kevric sold a bunch of floors without doing their homework.... give me a break.


Mark, I strongly recommend that you constrain your comments to matters associated with hockey and airline transit routes. What more do you want? I provided documentation from a municipal website to demonstrate the height limits and renders from the developer’s website showing the intended height of the building. A visit to the construction site will show you that the builder has exceeded the design height. One who fervently refutes easily verifiable information cannot possibly be considered to be intellectually honest. I apologize that I do not have any anecdotes about hockey and sipping champagne to share with you.


La tour est en retrait par rapport à la rue, puisqu'elle a une plus petite superficie que le podium. Il me semble que dans ces cas, la ville autorise une surhauteur, non?


EDIT : Laissez-faire, la limite de surhauteur pour ce lieu est bien 120m


Honnêtement, il ne me surprendrait pas énormément si la Ville redésignait ce chantier dans le secteur de surhauteur côtoyant. C’est fortement possible que l’entente informelle existe déjà.

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