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encore une fois je vois mal pourquoi on s'obstine sur un trace plutot qu'un autre.


un tgv qui couvre la nouvelle angleterre pour se connecter a ny serait tout aussi utilie qu'un reliant traversant new york en finissant a mtl. ou un qui part de toronto, passe par buffalo et fini dans la grosse pomme ...


en fait que ca benificiraient a des sections de population tellement differentes que c'est presque possible d'imaginer de voir toutes ces (hypothetiques) lignes se voir financee en meme temps ...


et pour ce qui est de celle mtl-ny, je crois que presque tout le monde est gagnant a un niveau, sauf p-e new york, qui dans le fond en a probablement rien a foutre car de toute maniere elle est innondee de voyageurs et de travailleur de partout au monde, a tout les jours, de toute facon ! ...


un gros opposant a lidee serait surement aeroports de montreal, qui verrait sa business en prendre surement un bon coup..

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  • 4 years later...

SPRINGFIELD — Massachusetts and Vermont transportation officials are scheduled to hold public meetings in Springfield and White River Junction, Vt., to discuss the possibility of more frequent and higher speed passenger rail service along the Boston-Montreal corridor passing through Western Massachusetts and the Green Mountain State.


The first hearing is scheduled for 7 p.m. Wednesday at the Hotel Coolidge, 39 S. Main St., White River Junction, followed by another meeting at 7 p.m. Thursday at the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission, 60 Congress St., Springfield.


The Massachusetts Department of Transportation and the Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) are holding the sessions to discuss the so-called Northern New England Intercity Rail Initiative, particularly whether intercity rail service should be expanded along the Boston-Springfield-Montreal corridor and the Boston-Springfield-New Haven corridor.


Each meeting will feature information about the rail initiative, including status updates and timetables for future activities, according to transportation officials. The 30-minute presentations will identify the types and locations of intercity rail service to be considered, and how these proposals might integrate with recent and planned rail improvements in northern New England.


The joint MassDOT and VTrans effort is expected to produce at least two preliminary plans for review: a service development plan and an environmental impact study. Additional support comes from the Federal Railroad Administration, the Connecticut Department of Transportation and the Ministère des Transports du Québec.


More information is available online at http://www.massdot.state.ma.us/Planning/Main/CurrentStudies/NorthernNewEnglandRailStudy.aspx

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Well the idea is that the Vermonter runs daily but doesn't reach Montreal or Boston. That is part of the study, if it would be worthwhile to extend the line from Burlington to Montreal and to extend from Springfield Mass to Boston and be able to do the trip in 6 hours.

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