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Ils veulent conecter Toronto avant nous.... domage!


Its not all that bad Toronto-Buffalo-Rochester for 2020. They still have to wait until 2025 to be connected to Albany-New York.


At least Montreal-Albany-New York is all in one shot by 2025. I would hate to be on that train from Toronto. So many stops compared to Montreal.

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I might be crazy, but I don't see the link to Montreal by 2025 on the timeline, only to Boston in 2030.


Its weird I know. The first one doesn't show Montreal-Albany yet the second map shows Montreal-Albany.


I emailed the people who run the website and asked them why there is two different maps. Seeing both are quite identical other than Montreal connecting to Boston in one and the other Montreal connects to both Boston and Albany.

Modifié par jesseps
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I'm skeptical this grand vision of high speed trains across North America will be built. Between two cities, like Montreal and Toronto, maybe, but an entire network? They should start building this now or at least improving the current train service we already have. Unfortunately, in this continent, passenger trains run on the same rails as freight trains, and the freight always takes priority. I remember being on the Adirondack on my way down to New York stuck for 30 minutes just south of Albany just because we had to let freight train after freight train pass. The plans don't seem serious, because the politicians are not really serious. Also, these train lines will pass between countries, provinces, states, counties and cities, all with different politicians with different needs, different political and economic climates that will fluctuate over the next 20 years and SOMEHOW a high speed train network will be built to accommodate these variables over a certain period of time? I don't know...

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As much as having a train link between Montreal and New York would be interesting, how does that benefit Montreal economically? Last time I checked, the brunt of Montreal's passenger travel between cities by rail, bus and air occurs between itself and Toronto. A Montreal-Toronto link is more valuable in terms of connectivity, since both cities are already very much connected (family, business,etc.) than a Montreal and New York.

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je pense que c'est seulement une route reliant toronto a buffalo qui devrait voir le jour avant la route montreal-ny. peut pas vraiment leur en vouloir, quand meme. le bassin de population dans ce coin la, autant autour de la ville reine que des villes americaines le long des grands lacs, est impressionant. faut rester realisse colisse. :silly:


je sais pas d'ou vient cette carte, mais c'est deja impressionant que les americain ait meme considerer relier leur reseau aux villes canadiennes. si on se fit a la plupart des cartes americaines, on pourrait croire qu'il n'y qu'une grande etendue vide au nord de leur frontiere ...


je me demande si ces trains peuvent skipper des villes, pour faire des trajets direct ? a 220mph soutenues, pourrait t on imaginer couvrir les 1500 miles entre montreal et miami en 7 ou 8 heures ? putain ... un long week end a south beach, anyone ? :rolleyes:

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je me demande si ces trains peuvent skipper des villes, pour faire des trajets direct ? a 220mph soutenues, pourrait t on imaginer couvrir les 1500 miles entre montreal et miami en 7 ou 8 heures ? putain ... un long week end a south beach, anyone ? :rolleyes:


If only lol I have a feeling it can do Montreal-Miami in 16 hours (max) with stops in cities. That be like 9 hours less than driving but 13 hours longer than a flight.

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