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Devront-on séparer le terrain  

8 membres ont voté

  1. 1. Devront-on séparer le terrain

    • Oui 4000 pc sur delorimier, 3000 sur Sherbrooke
    • Non, on doit preserver l'integrité du terrain
    • Non, trop compliqué a obtenir dérogation
    • Non, on construit dans le jardin sans séparation

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I voted McCain but I'm pretty much ABO (Anything but Obama). I liked Hilary Clinton before every thing that came out of her mouth turned out to be a lie in the past few weeks. What really bothers me about both Democrat nominees is their use of Anti-NAFTA rhetoric in Ohio to gain support from ailing industry workers when they know very well it's China and not Canada or Mexico that's hurting US industry. It was a despicable political stunt in my opinion. I appreciate McCain's ability to stand for the positions he believes in even if they aren't mainstream Republican (he's very big on the environment for example). I consider him more of a right-wing independent than a true red Republican. As for Obama maybe if he spent less time talking ambiguously about change, and rolling hills (I almost puked during his speech after the Ohio/Vermont/Texas/Rhode Island primaries which consisted primarily of him discussing the plains of 'this place' and the valleys of 'that place') If I wanted the message of hope he provides I'd go find a church preacher to listen to. Since I think what the US needs is someone with clear policies, clear ideas and a clear plan, I don't think Obama's the man. If people want hope they can look to find clergymen, mentors and family members. A president needs to be decisive and clear and I think Obama, while well spoken, 'talks a lot but says very little'.


That's a common misconception. Go to his web site. Look at his policies. They are very clear and concise! I've gone to all 3 web sites and looked at all 3 policy positions. Do your homework!


Here are some videos of Barack answering questions, demonstrating a firm understanding of the issues and not just "pretty talk". His positions are equally well defined.


If you prefer John McCain, that's your choice and i'll respect that, but examine senator Obama fully and hear him speak about issues and not just the stump speeches you see on CNN. You might be surprised!


For me, it's ABM (anybody but mccain). Last thing i feel America needs is a 3rd Republican presidential term... it's time to get the GOP out and let the Democrats have a go at it. Last time they did, things worked out pretty good...

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That's a common misconception. Go to his web site. Look at his policies. They are very clear and concise! I've gone to all 3 web sites and looked at all 3 policy positions. Do your homework!


Here are some videos of Barack answering questions, demonstrating a firm understanding of the issues and not just "pretty talk". His positions are equally well defined.


If you prefer John McCain, that's your choice and i'll respect that, but examine senator Obama fully and hear him speak about issues and not just the stump speeches you see on CNN. You might be surprised!


For me, it's ABM (anybody but mccain). Last thing i feel America needs is a 3rd Republican presidential term... it's time to get the GOP out and let the Democrats have a go at it. Last time they did, things worked out pretty good...


And of course, you're entitled to your opinion as well.


I didn't say he didn't have a platform. I've looked into his policies on more than one occasion. But let's be honest how much of the electorate if aware of what he stands for and how many of his own supporters know what he stands for? Of course he has positions. That's not what I was arguing. What I'm arguing is that instead of pushing his positions he pushes this whole 'hope' thing which while on the surface may be fine and dandy it doesn't say much about the proportion of people (not all of course) who choose to vote for him blindly. No one can blame CNN for this. If he wanted to let his opinions be known he could make a much better effort to do so than he currently does. I've heard a lot more about Clinton's and McCain's positions in the media and I highly doubt that's because of media bias. It was his choice to spend 15 minutes rambling on about landscapes and hope; CNN was just televising it. I've heard similar type speeches from both McCain and Clinton with much more substance. As for the GOP. From my understanding/analysis of US politics MPs in Canada have much more say in their leaders decisions than their US equivalents. With that said you can't judge the entire GOP based on the Bush adminsitration. That's precisely why both McCain and Huckabee were both able to make the idea of 'change' a huge part of their campaigns despite 8 years of GOP rule.

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And of course, you're entitled to your opinion as well.


I didn't say he didn't have a platform. I've looked into his policies on more than one occasion. But let's be honest how much of the electorate if aware of what he stands for and how many of his own supporters know what he stands for? Of course he has positions. That's not what I was arguing. What I'm arguing is that instead of pushing his positions he pushes this whole 'hope' thing which while on the surface may be fine and dandy it doesn't say much about the proportion of people (not all of course) who choose to vote for him blindly. No one can blame CNN for this. If he wanted to let his opinions be known he could make a much better effort to do so than he currently does. I've heard a lot more about Clinton's and McCain's positions in the media and I highly doubt that's because of media bias. It was his choice to spend 15 minutes rambling on about landscapes and hope; CNN was just televising it. I've heard similar type speeches from both McCain and Clinton with much more substance. As for the GOP. From my understanding/analysis of US politics MPs in Canada have much more say in their leaders decisions than their US equivalents. With that said you can't judge the entire GOP based on the Bush adminsitration. That's precisely why both McCain and Huckabee were both able to make the idea of 'change' a huge part of their campaigns despite 8 years of GOP rule.


Well said. Bush is definitely not a perfect representative of a true Republican.

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I normally always prefer the democrats over the Republicans.


However, both Obama and Clinton are bitching that the american economy is suffering because of Canada and NAFTA. They want to renegotiate NAFTA and make it more advantagous for the USA. That is some scary talk coming from both democratic candidates.

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Well said. Bush is definitely not a perfect representative of a true Republican.


Perhaps not, but why take a chance?


Granted the Democrats aren't perfect either. Sure Clinton was good... Carter, not so great.


For me, it's about distancing my preference as much as possible from the incompetence that was GWB. That means a clear preference for the Democrats.


Habsfan is right... to be honest, NAFTA and relations with Canada is one area where all 3 candidates fail in my books.

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Ok, je vous averti c'est vraiment hors sujet.


Mais ce samedi, j'organise un vernissage pour une expositon qui se nomme Mixart. Mixart c'est 4 artistes qui présentes leur oeuvres, c'est une soirée seulement et il y a du hockey.


La raison pourquoi j'en parle c'est parce qu'un des exposants, bien c'est moi :) Donc si la game est plate, si les habssont en train de planter Philly ou bien si vous n'aimez pas le hockey (qui ça?) je vous invite à y venir faire un petit tour, c'est gratuit, vin et fromage sur place.


2 Photographes, 2 artistes peintres, je suis le seul qui n'est pas du West Island mais ce n'est qu'un détail, les 3 autres artistes sont assez talentueux, moi et bien je n'ai pas d'opinion, je veux pas faire de narcissisme. Si vous avez visitez mon Flickr avant, vous savez ce que je fais.


Allez voir le site au, peut-être y serez vous inspirez et si les administrateurs n'aiment la mon auto-promotion, je vous invite à supprimer mon thread.

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  • 2 semaines plus tard...

Le vendredi 16 mai 2008


Séisme en Chine: le Canada offre un million de dollars aux victimes


Agence France-Presse




Le Canada a annoncé vendredi qu'il fournirait un million de dollars (canadiens et américains) pour soutenir la réponse d'urgence de la Croix-Rouge en Chine, après le tremblement de terre qui a frappé ce pays lundi.


La contribution du Canada permettra de fournir des abris d'urgence, des services médicaux et du matériel d'urgence, ainsi que de l'eau et des services sanitaires dans les zones touchées, dans le sud-est de la Chine, annoncent les ministères des Affaires étrangères et de la Coopération internationale dans un communiqué.


«Le Canada est très préoccupé par l'impact du séisme et ce soutien aidera à garantir que les besoins élémentaires des collectivités touchées seront rencontrés rapidement et efficacement», a déclaré la ministre de la Coopération internationale Beverley Oda.


Le puissant séisme de magnitude 7,9, qui s'est produit lundi en Chine peu avant 14h30 (06h30 GMT), a fait au moins 50 000 morts, selon une estimation officielle.


Je suis très préoccupé par le sort des chinois et je veux pas passer pour un raciste ou un anti-sémite mais je comprends pas pourquoi le Canada envoi de l'argent en Chine pour cette catastrophe. Je suis tout a fait d'accord pour l'argent envoyé en Birmanie, au Darfour, Timor-Oriental et pour le tsunami qui avait touché l'Indonésie. La Chine aujourd'hui est très riche, ils sont entrain d'organiser des jeux olympiques qui vont leurs coutés des milliards. Ils ont une puissante armée qui leurs est venue en aide. J'ai de la difficulté a comprendre pourquoi on leur envoi des tentes et de premiers soins. Ils en on pas eu des médecins et des tente d'armée made in china? Est-ce que les chinois on aidés les américains avec l'ouragan Katrina?

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Je suis très préoccupé par le sort des chinois et je veux pas passer pour un raciste ou un anti-sémite mais je comprends pas pourquoi le Canada envoi de l'argent en Chine pour cette catastrophe. Je suis tout a fait d'accord pour l'argent envoyé en Birmanie, au Darfour, Timor-Oriental et pour le tsunami qui avait touché l'Indonésie. La Chine aujourd'hui est très riche, ils sont entrain d'organiser des jeux olympiques qui vont leurs coutés des milliards. Ils ont une puissante armée qui leurs est venue en aide. J'ai de la difficulté a comprendre pourquoi on leur envoi des tentes et de premiers soins. Ils en on pas eu des médecins et des tente d'armée made in china? Est-ce que les chinois on aidés les américains avec l'ouragan Katrina?


C'est bien plus facile pour les États-Unis (un pays beaucoup plus riche que la Chine...) de gérer une catastrophe qui a fait comme 30 fois moins de victimes que ce récent tremblement de terre.

Les 2 situations de ne comparent pas.

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