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il y a 14 minutes, vivreenrégion a dit :

demande de participation à un référendum, pour quoi faire ?

Parce que c'est la loi sur l'aménagement et l'urbanisme.

Les consultations et les référendums sont une affaire de loi. J'imagine que c'est dû à des dérogations au plan d'urbanisme. À noter que l'avis de la ville est favorable, je doute que ça pose problème.

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Il y a 1 heure, vincethewipet a dit :

Parce que c'est la loi sur l'aménagement et l'urbanisme.

Les consultations et les référendums sont une affaire de loi. J'imagine que c'est dû à des dérogations au plan d'urbanisme. À noter que l'avis de la ville est favorable, je doute que ça pose problème.

C'est pas la ville le problème, c'est les no life qui sont contre tout projets. Il vont demander des logements sauciaux, à place du parc!!! Il faut être inclusif! Ah oui puis la hauteur de l'immeuble va faire de l'ombre, puis crée des bourrasque de vents.

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Sur ODJ du Cobseil Ville-Marie du 11 septembre 2018,79867570&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL


40.22 Urbanisme - Projet particulier d'urbanisme
CA Direction de l'aménagement urbain et des services aux entreprises -

Adopter une résolution modifiant la résolution CA11 240756 afin d'autoriser de nouvelles dérogations pour le projet sis au 800, Saint-Jacques Ouest relatives au retrait d'alignement et aux quais de chargement et de mettre à jour les plans annexés, en vertu du Règlement sur les projets particuliers de construction, de modification et d'occupation d'un immeuble (CA-24-011) et abroger la résolution
CA18 240282 -

1er projet de résolution


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On 9/7/2018 at 6:02 pm, vincethewipet said:

Because it is the law on planning and urban planning.

Consultations and referendums are a matter of law. I imagine that it is due to derogations from the urban plan. Note that the opinion of the city is favorable, I doubt that it poses problem.

Could a NEW Urban Plan be coming?

Globe and Mail article:

Montreal reboots its planning model in midst of rapid growth.

I'm probably one of the few who has a subscription to this publication or even considers its content to be newsworthy. According to this article, Montreal's current blueprint for future growth and development dates back to 2004.

The part that got my attention in urban planning. "If we want to keep the downtown strong, just like Manhattan, we're going to allow people to build up."

Hopefully, the height restriction will be modified in a positive manner.

Another noteworthy section mentions: "One key challenge that needs to be addressed in a coherent and public manner, is the transformation of several disused institutional, industrial and commercial buildings - such as the Royal Victoria Hospital and the historic Molson brewery facilities." "A new plan must be more important to the need for finding new uses for historically important buildings such as the Royal Victoria and God Hotel hospitals." 

Good idea, maybe the old Children's Hospital could have been used instead of being demolished.


Modifié par newyorkontario
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1 minute ago, newyorkontario said:

NEW Urban Plan coming:

Globe and Mail article:

Montreal reboots its planning model in midst of rapid growth.

I'm probably one of the few members who has a subscription to this publication or even considers its content to be newsworthy.  According to this article, Montreal's current blueprint for future growth and development dates back to 2004.

The part that got my attention (in relation to buildings) reads: Urban planning in a restricted space such as the downtown has to intelligently integrate construction of relatively tall towers.  “If we want to keep the downtown strong, just like Manhattan, we’re going to have to allow people to build up.”

Hopefully, the height restriction legislation which applies to the downtown area will be will be modified in a positive manner.

Another noteworthy section mentions: "One key challenge that needs to be addressed in a coherent and publicly relevant manner is the transformation of several disused institutional, industrial and commercial buildings – such as the old Royal Victoria Hospital and the historic Molson brewery facilities." "A new plan must be more sensitive to the need for finding new uses for historically important buildings such as the Royal Victoria and Hôtel-Dieu hospitals." 

Good idea, maybe the old Children's Hospital could have been used for some other purpose like low income housing (not that the new Devimco and other local projects should have been shelved) instead of being demolished.


The cost to clean and remodel the Children's hospital would have been expensive. Yes, we need more lower income housing and hopefully the blue bonnets area will address that.

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