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Amazon looking for a location to have a 2nd HQ


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il y a 18 minutes, fmfranck a dit :

J'ai pas dit que ces exemples n'existaient pas. Je dis de ne pas conclure à des constats généraux désastreux à partir de cas extrêmes. 

Quand j’ecrivais mon commentaire tu écrivais le tiens en meme temps donc je répondais aux deux commentaires précédent je n’avais pas vu le tiens


Tout ce que j’ai dit moi c’est que les articles de journaux qui sortent des articles dénigrant le Quebec n’ont pas que de la mauvaise foi. Il y a des choses qui sont vraies la dedans que j’entends tous les jours de la bouche de gens qui sont montréalais d’origine étrangère. Faut arreter de l’ignorer en disant que c’est du angryphone Quebec bashing, ce que beaucoup semblent sous entendre. De plus je trouve ça terriblement insultant mais vraiment insultant de reduire tout ce qui a été partagé ici à de la mauvaise foi et à dire à ce qui ont parlé de leur expérience de sacrer leur camp si c’est si mauvais ici. On l’entend tous les jours pas besoin de le repeter. Bah voyons. On est nés ici on a grandi ici mais on a pas le droit de se plaindre sans passer pour de gros fous ? On est toujours au centre de l’attention. Pendant la campagne la CAQ à utilisé allègrement l’immigration de manière négative. (On dira que le PLQ l’a fait aussi mais je préfère qu’on parle de moi de manière positive meme a des fins electoraliste). Aujourd’hui ila parler d’utiliser la clause nonobstant pour empêcher le port du voile pour les profs les fonctionnaires. On peut etre d’accord oubnon c’est légitimie mais les immigrants en ont vraiment marre de se faire taper dessus. À un moment donné c’est vraiment chiant. Lisez les artcile du JDM en vous mettant dans la peau d’un immigrant vous verrez. Pourtant si il ya un peuple en Amerique qui devrait comprendre ces revendications ce sont les Quebecois parce qu’ils se plaignent des mêmes injustices. On se plaint de perdre 15000 immigrants peut etre qu’il faudrait prendre le temps de les écouter je pense. Sujet très émotif pour moi je ne m’en cache même pas. 

Modifié par Ousb
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12 minutes ago, fmfranck said:

Oui, je compred Ousb. Je trouve juste ça exagéré de prétendre que le Québec est l'enfer, et l'Ontario, le paradis. 

This week’s studies on the demographics of immigrant groups in Toronto makes it very clear how entrenched racism is in Toronto. Nosurprise there. Don’ t forget; Ontario is the world capital of political correctness; none of these issues can be discussed openly. Quebec is at the other end of the spectrum; unpleasant issues must be openly discussed and dealt with. Yes, it is difficult and tense sometimes, but we get through it and move on. Meanwhile in Ontario, including Toronto, the evils of racism and bigotry fester dangerously below the surface until they explode... literally.

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La probabilité statistique assure qu'un bon nombre d'immigrants ne l'auront pas facile dû au nombre élevé d'immigrants qu'on reçoit à chaque année. Il y a aussi une probabilité statistique qui veut que les mauvaises expériences seront plus médiatisées que les positives. On aura aussi à faire aux extrêmes, qui sont souvent ultra médiatisés mais qui ne reflètent pas la réalité.

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J'apprécierais beaucoup qu'un modérateur intervienne afin de déplacer cette discussion ailleurs car le sujet du présent fil est Amazon HQ2.

En passant, au départ l'atout principal de Montréal par rapport aux autres villes était que c'est ici, et de loin, que l'on retrouve le plus grand nombre de personnes trilingues en Amérique du Nord. Et comme HQ2 est prévu pour être le centre des activités internationales d'Amazon il s'agissait d'un avantage certain pour Montréal.

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  • 1 mois plus tard...


NEW YORK - Retail giant Amazon Inc. is in "advanced talks" to open its second headquarters in the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area, The Washington Post reported Saturday.

Amazon, based in Seattle, is apparently seriously considering an area known as Crystal City. It's a large residential and office complex in Arlington, Virginia, just south of Washington, the Post said, citing unidentified sources.

Amazon announced last year that the retail giant was looking to open a second headquarters somewhere in the U.S., bringing with it as many as 50,000 new jobs. Several state and local governments threw their hats in the ring, offering Amazon millions in tax incentives if they opened their new headquarters in their city.

The Washington metropolitan area was long considered a top contender for Amazon's second headquarters. Company founder and Chief Executive Officer Jeff Bezos already had several connections to the Washington area. He's the owner of The Washington Post and owns a home in the area. When the company announced a list of 20 top contenders in January, it included both Washington as well as Montgomery County, Maryland, which is just north of D.C.

Crystal City is served by a mass transit system and major highways, both qualifications that Amazon has said is required for its new headquarters as well.

Because Amazon is reportedly in "advanced talks" does not mean the deal is certain. Shortly after the Post published its story, Mike Grella, Amazon's economic development director posted on Twitter, "Memo to the genius leaking info about Crystal City, VA as #HQ2 selection. You're not doing Crystal City, VA any favours."

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3 hours ago, monctezuma said:


NEW YORK - Retail giant Amazon Inc. is in "advanced talks" to open its second headquarters in the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area, The Washington Post reported Saturday.

Amazon, based in Seattle, is apparently seriously considering an area known as Crystal City. It's a large residential and office complex in Arlington, Virginia, just south of Washington, the Post said, citing unidentified sources.

Amazon announced last year that the retail giant was looking to open a second headquarters somewhere in the U.S., bringing with it as many as 50,000 new jobs. Several state and local governments threw their hats in the ring, offering Amazon millions in tax incentives if they opened their new headquarters in their city.

The Washington metropolitan area was long considered a top contender for Amazon's second headquarters. Company founder and Chief Executive Officer Jeff Bezos already had several connections to the Washington area. He's the owner of The Washington Post and owns a home in the area. When the company announced a list of 20 top contenders in January, it included both Washington as well as Montgomery County, Maryland, which is just north of D.C.

Crystal City is served by a mass transit system and major highways, both qualifications that Amazon has said is required for its new headquarters as well.

Because Amazon is reportedly in "advanced talks" does not mean the deal is certain. Shortly after the Post published its story, Mike Grella, Amazon's economic development director posted on Twitter, "Memo to the genius leaking info about Crystal City, VA as #HQ2 selection. You're not doing Crystal City, VA any favours."

So Jeff Bezos owns the Washington Post and the same Washington Post reported this from an “unidentified source”? Its pretty safe to say this could be true

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Amazon in 'advanced talks' to pick Northern Virginia for second headquarters

Hannah Boland - The Telegraph

Amazon is reportedly in advanced talks about opening its

second headquarters in Northern Virginia, in a signal the retail giant may have narrowed down its shortlist of possible locations for the new offices. 

According to The Washington Post, Amazon is looking specifically at Crystal City, with talks including which buildings it would take and how quickly it could move employees there.

The newspaper said the talks were so far advanced that one of the neighbourhood's biggest real estate developers, JBG Smith, had already pulled some of its properties off the market, and officials were considering announcing the move later this month.

People close to the process told The Post the talks were more in-depth than they had been with other locations. Amazon declined to comment on the report.  

The company has said it plans to reveal where it will base its second headquarters by the end of the year, and says it is currently assessing around 20 locations. 

Speaking on Thursday, at an event in New York, Amazon chief executive Jeff Bezos said the decision would ultimately "be made with intuition after gathering and studying a lot of data".

"The best way to make it is you collect as much data as you can, you immerse yourself in that data, but then you make that decision with your heart," he said.

Recent reports in the US press have suggested Amazon is also looking closely at sites in New York City and Chicago. It is currently operating out of just one corporate headquarters in North America, in Seattle. 

The latest speculation comes just over eight months after Northern Virginia was first flagged as a potential front-runner for the new site.

Amazon has kept tight-lipped about its plans, but in February a local news website in Arlington, Virginia said a two-month-old article about the county had received a huge amount of traffic from an internal webpage at 

It said more than 6,000 people had viewed the page in just one week, and "the vast majority of the traffic to the page over the past week that can be tracked came from what appears to be an internal page devoted to its HQ2 search". Crystal City is a neighbourhood in Arlington county.


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Arlington est une ville qui se démarque aux États-Unis sur le plan de l'urbanisme et du développement durable.  Voici une référence, page 36-37, tiré d'un document de la ville de Laval. Ça date de l'ère Vaillancourt (ben oui...), mais c'est un document très intéressant.  À tout événement, voici le lien:


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il y a 7 minutes, urbino a dit :

Arlington est une ville qui se démarque aux États-Unis sur le plan de l'urbanisme et du développement durable.  Voici une référence, page 36-37, tiré d'un document de la ville de Laval. Ça date de l'ère Vaillancourt (ben oui...), mais c'est un document très intéressant.  À tout événement, voici le lien:


En tout ils ont un beau centre ville avec des tours modernes et clean. Ça m’avait impressionné

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