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Stunted Silos: Pushing to restore the Canada Malting Site

CTV Montreal 
Published Saturday, December 16, 2017 7:15PM EST 
Last Updated Sunday, December 17, 2017 6:42PM EST

The Canada Malting site along the Lachine Canal in St. Henri has been abandoned for more than 40 years.

Developers want condos; the community wants to take it back. All the while, the site is stagnant and slowly falling to ruin.

Since its abandonment, the site is blanketed by graffiti – some consider it too dangerous to enter, and its presence has been the topic of many heated debates.

“It’s been difficult—ultimately there’s a lot of elements involved in this project that have to be taken into consideration,” explained Noam Schnitzer of Renwick Development.

One of those elements is the consideration of how to develop the site while maintaining both its historical significance, and the needs of its surrounding community.

Schnitzer is pushing for the development of more parks, artistic spaces, and social housing.

“It is a community project : this is a social impact development, pure and simple,” he said. “The prevision of the 175 family condos should have been seen only as the facilitator in all of this, in our bid to show a private development group can address social requirements in a sustainable manner.”

The borough has told the developer it will examine the proposal.

Of the 240 units, 64 would be set aside exclusively for low-cost housing – an initiative included within the project’s $45 million price tag.

A Nous la Malting – or ‘take back the Malting – is a community group in St. Henri that’s been crusading for the silo’s redevelopment through a public project.

In a statement, the borough said it supports a preliminary project presented by A Nous la Malting – but the remaining question is how to fund it.

“At the end of the day, it’s going to require public funds, so we’re really hoping that the city, the province, and the federal government will chip in the funds for the project, and we can do our own fundraising for the project,” said Shannon Franssen of Solidarite St. Henri, a community group campaigning to increase quality of live for residents of the borough.

One artist mentioned that the restoration of the silos will add to its historical and artistic value.

“It’s not about money – it’s about sharing a historical piece and keeping an art value to it,” they explained.


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  • 2 semaines plus tard...
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Silos Canada Malting

silos canada malting.jpg


Hauteur en étages: 
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Autres informations: «De son côté, les plans de Renwick Development sont déjà définis. Évalué à 100 M$, le futur bâtiment multifonctionnel comprendrait notamment des ateliers d’artistes, des logements familiaux, une épicerie et un centre d’éducation pour enfants autistes, tout en conservant la valeur patrimoniale du site.»


Projet par Renwick Developpement/Karl Fischer











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  • 3 semaines plus tard...

Development plans dredge up thorny issues

The Lachine Canal, once full of warehouses and silos, is now one of Montreal's busiest sites for residential construction. Not everyone is happy


At the turn of the 20 th century, Montreal's Lachine Canal was a North American industrial powerhouse with sprawling factories packed shoulder-to-shoulder along the narrow waterway.

By the 1970s, the flour and textile mills, breweries, iron works and other manufacturers were moving away or shutting down as activity shifted elsewhere and the opening of the St. Lawrence Seaway diverted shipping away from the canal.

Left behind was a unique urban footprint: a postindustrial landscape of derelict warehouses, abandoned malt silos and empty red-brick hydraulic works. In the 1990s, the area – southwest of downtown Montreal – was being reclaimed as a recreational and tourist destination.

The canal was cleaned up, Parks Canada had taken over and built a popular network of bicycle paths and the sector was declared a historic site. Aging 19 th-century industrial buildings began to be transformed into trendy loft and office spaces.Today, the Lachine Canal is in the throes of another transformation. The district has been turned into a condo developer's paradise, with dozens of mid-priced to luxury buildings going up along the landscaped banks and on nearby streets.

With its proximity to the downtown, scenic tree-lined paths and easy access to public transit as well as such amenities as the nearby Atwater Market and a burgeoning number of local trendy watering holes and eateries, the location is one of the city's busiest sites for residential – mostly condo – construction.

Clearly, the revitalization and redevelopment have been a boon for what was an economically depressed sector that witnessed an exodus of the mostly working-class residents once employed by the thousands in the factories. There is a return influx of people and city governments are more than pleased at the expansion of their residential tax base.

But there has also been pushback by local residents who feel the condo development has gone overboard, with too little social or affordable new housing and not enough emphasis on building new schools, parks, grocery stores and social services.

The canal district is a living laboratory in the dynamics of urban planning amidst runaway private residential development. The stunning victory of the left-of-centreProjet Montréal municipal party in the citywide November mayoral contest raises the stakes for developers: the new mayor, Valérie Plante, is committed to building more social and family-oriented housing in the city and putting the brakes on construction of the typical one- or two-bedroom condos primarily targeting the professional class.

Condo developers in the canal district say they are open to the idea of a new urban game plan more receptive to the needs of the community.

"Montreal's southwest is sort of ground zero for a lot of debates on gentrification and deindustrialization," Concordia University history professor Steven High said. Condo construction has "been proceeding at a tremendously rapid pace without a lot of thinking."

"There are a lot of pluses about densification, but a lot of questions about what kind of place is being created there."

Denis Robitaille, president and founder of developer Conceptions Rachel-Julien, is putting up Phase 4 of the company's Bassins du Havre condo project in Griffintownon land formerly occupied by a Canada Post sorting facility; the project is in partnership with real estate developer Le Groupe Prével. "We're quite comfortable providing affordable housing," Mr. Robitaille said. "We don't have any concerns over that."

Of the 550 units in the 20-storey Bassins du Havre tower, 15 per cent will be in the affordable housing category – in the $280,000 range – Mr. Robitaille said.

The Bassins du Havre project incorporates water into its design, featuring terraces made to look like docks.

The Bassins du Havre project incorporates water into its design, featuring terraces made to look like docks.


Some of the project's features are meant to tap into the themes of water and the canal's rich industrial history: There are private terraces made to look like docks, as well as rooftop pools and spa services.

The old Canada Post site is also the location for a publicly funded social-housing project. A municipal agency in the Sud-Ouest borough has a partnership agreement with non-profit organization Bâtir son quartier for the development of 235 rental and 78 condo units, slated for delivery in 2019. Condo availability is limited to first-time home buyers or families, spokeswoman Leslie Molko said.

The project will include shops on the ground-floor level.

In the nearby Saint-Henri neighbourhood, the abandoned, graffiti-covered Canada Malting Silos facility – whose first phase was built in 1905 – is the focus of an ambitious mixed-use and restoration project by Renwick Development. Besides family-oriented residences, there are plans for commercial space, a section for artists' studios and exhibition quarters, public green spaces with access to the canal, an early childhood and autistic rehabilitation centre and an observation tower. The property – containing 240 to 260 residences – will make room for 65 to 80 social-housing units, Renwick founder and president Noam Schnitzer said. "Development in the southwest needs to be community oriented. This, for us, is Canada Malting.

"We want to bring the site back into the community in a very meaningful and sustainable manner." 

Concept rendering, Canada Malting redevelopment, Montreal.

A concept rendering of the Canada Malting redevelopment.


Shannon Franssen, a spokeswoman for À nous la Malting, a community group opposed to the Canada Malting redevelopment as envisaged by Renwick, says the project doesn't sufficiently address the neighbourhood's serious affordable- and social-housing needs. "It's one of the last sites that's available for social housing along the Lachine Canal," she said. "Many low-income residents are being forced to move out because of gentrification" and Renwick's proposal is essentially a luxecondo project with a bit of window dressing to address community and social housing needs, she said.

The group wants municipal authorities to acquire the land and come up with plans for a public only project with a much higher ratio of social and affordable residences.

"I understand their position. I understand where they're coming from," Mr. Schnitzer said. "But this is a project that addresses the needs of the community."

Montreal and New York City architect Karl Fischer says his firm has prepared "a comprehensive design package for the revitalizing of Canada Malting and including social housing." The proposal has been submitted to the city for review, he said. Mr. Schnitzer anticipates the approvals process to resume in January with groundbreaking tentatively scheduled for October, 2018.

Whatever shape the former malt works ends up taking, it's clear – especially with the arrival of Projet Montréal at the helm of city government – that the entire canal district will be subject to much closer, more rigorous scrutiny of any new residential real estate development in the sector.

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Extrait : 

Montreal and New York City architect Karl Fischer says his firm has prepared "a comprehensive design package for the revitalizing of Canada Malting and including social housing." The proposal has been submitted to the city for review, he said. Mr. Schnitzer anticipates the approvals process to resume in January with groundbreaking tentatively scheduled for October, 2018.

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[T]here has also been pushback by local residents who feel the condo development has gone overboard, with too little social or affordable new housing and not enough emphasis on building new schools, parks, grocery stores and social services.

Magnifique projet, mais plutôt mal desservi en transport collectif (secteur enclavé à l'ouest, au nord puis au sud), alors que côté transport motorisé il est situé à moins de 5 mins de rampes d'accès à l'autoroute 15.

Un avantage qu'il offre sur Griffintown est d'être situé dans un quartier déjà structuré, côté services. Ça se vendra comme de petits pains chauds!

D'ailleurs, je compte 10 étages (belle densité pour ce secteur), en zoomant sur les fenêtres des silos. (Ce serait un premier exemple montréalais de réutilisation d'une telle structre pour y incruster des logements!) :thumbsup:

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Il y a 3 heures, FrancSoisD a dit :

Magnifique projet, mais plutôt mal desservi en transport collectif (secteur enclavé à l'ouest, au nord puis au sud), alors que côté transport motorisé il est situé à moins de 5 mins de rampes d'accès à l'autoroute 15.

Un avantage qu'il offre sur Griffintown est d'être situé dans un quartier déjà structuré, côté services. Ça se vendra comme de petits pains chauds!

D'ailleurs, je compte 10 étages (belle densité pour ce secteur), en zoomant sur les fenêtres des silos. (Ce serait un premier exemple montréalais de réutilisation d'une telle structre pour y incruster des logements!) :thumbsup:

Un prolongement de ligne d'autobus pourrait desservir le coin. On pourrait même en faire une condition d'acceptation sociale du projet?

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« L'administration Plante-Dorais, une fois élue, s'engage à aller négocier avec toutes les parties au dossier (paliers de gouvernement et autres) pour trouver un montage financier afin de réaliser un projet de logements 100% sociaux et communautaires sur le site de la Canada Malting ».

Juste avant les élections , Valérie plante avait déclarer qu'elle voulait 100% des logements sociaux pour ce site ... je suis curieux de voir ce qu'il va arriver maintenant.

Modifié par redfu
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