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Les libéraux ont plus de gains à faire à Toronto que Montréal.


Techniquement, non. Aux élections de 2015, le PLC a obtenu près de 50% des votes dans la région de Toronto, et 40% dans la région de Montréal. Il serait donc plus exact de dire que les libéraux ont plus de gains à préserver à Toronto qu'à Montréal. Ceci dit, je ne pense pas que le choix du site du siège social de la BIC constitue un grand enjeu électoral.

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“If you’re living in North Dakota, you have to accept that New York is the finance capital of the United States. I think in Canada, we have to learn to do the same,”


Montréal n'est rien d'autre que le Dakota du Nord pour le Canada. Tirons-en les conclusions.

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Nothing condescending. Completely factual and makes a lot of sense. Montreal Ian not the financial pq. Well it was until we pissed it away


Sure there are fact in this article, such as Canada's finance industry is mainly based out of Toronto, but there is also a great deal of opinion from a former MP.


Qatar investment bank & al will look wherever the deals are, it doesn't matter to them if the infrastructure bank is in Toronto, Montreal or Kujjuaq, if the deal is good, they will send their people to the city where it's located to do the deal. Same apply for CPPIB and CDPQ..., it's not because they are based in one city that this city gets all the investments, they go where the deals are, and get their money from where it is.


The location of the bank is purely politics, any major city in Canada has the human ressources and expertise to run such a bank.

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Just the second biggest province in Canada yep.

“If you’re living in North Dakota, you have to accept that New York is the finance capital of the United States. I think in Canada, we have to learn to do the same,”


Montréal n'est rien d'autre que le Dakota du Nord pour le Canada. Tirons-en les conclusions.

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The Liberals have to work harder to get Ontario votes than they do in Quebec. It is interesting though that Montreal expertise in infrastructural financing * Is quite advanced...think SNC *and Ontarios 407; the Caisse's involvement in transportation. One thing we can be sure of: if the Head Office *is in Toronto, it will be overloaded with unilingual Anglos. Ottawa is bad enough as a poorly equipped bilingual civil service; Toronto is hopeless. The Family Compact still lurks below the surface.

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That's exactly what's doing Toronto.

Pauvre petit Montreal. Always looking for a hand out instead of competing. Montreal is not strategic for any government, voters always go the same way.
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