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Nouvelle gare de train de banlieue à Mirabel

andre md

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There are so many other public transit priorities that are more important than a train station in Mirabel...

- Train de l'ouest (with airport link)

- SLR on the new Champlain Bridge

- Blue line extension

- Orange line extension (to Laval from Cote-Vertu)

- SRB on Pie-IX


Let's worry about people that live ON the island before trying to appease the people that choose to live further away


None of those projects should impact the feasability of a single train station project. Added a station to an existing line should be ridiculously simple. Add a bunch of concrete slabs on the sides, a building for the station itself, parking spaces, and it's done.


By the way, the SLR on Champlain Bridge is for people who live outside of the island.

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I understand that it's a simple project but we are living through a period where financial resources are extremely limited. We can't afford to throw money at anything that isn't a priority. If the municipality is willing to foot the bill (or most of it), then that's a different story.

As for the SLR, it's not only for people who live on the South Shore. It will most likely serve a great deal of the new residents in Griffintown which, despite being directly adjacent to the downtown core, needs all the public transit help it can get...

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Celle de Blainville et de Saint-Jerome sont plus près des centres développé de Mirabel que cette station qui sera au milieu d'un champ. On veut surtout ici faire du développement sur des terres agricoles pour faire rentrer des taxes municipales.


Les gens de Mirabel sont contre cette station pour ces raisons.


Il y a des projet plus pressant. Ameliorons l'offre en ville au lieu de faire ce projet qui me fera qu'encourager l'étalement urbain sur des bonnes terres agricoles

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During the week there is only ONE departure from Hudson (in the morning) and ONE arrival (in the evening). On the weekends there are NONE.

If it wasn't for the fact that the station already exists, I doubt very much that they would build one (especially right now).

I'm not saying that this project is a bad idea, just that the money can be better spent on much more important projects.

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During the week there is only ONE departure from Hudson (in the morning) and ONE arrival (in the evening). On the weekends there are NONE.

If it wasn't for the fact that the station already exists, I doubt very much that they would build one (especially right now).

I'm not saying that this project is a bad idea, just that the money can be better spent on much more important projects.

There is only one train in each direction per day because the demand isn't there for more. But there are similar small cities in the GMA with full AMT service. This is the case for McMasterville (5K), Île-Perrot (10K) and Baie-d'Urfé (5K). To me, the fact that there isn't a train station in Mirabel (one of the fastest growing cities in Greater Montreal) is a nonsense. The ridership potential is there, especially on a line with bonified service.


The two biggest projects for Montreal (South Shore LRT and West Island LRT) will be funded by the Caisse, and I don't think the MTQ investing a few millions in a new train station will change much concerning the other projects... Poëti's cabinet minister said it would be a minimalistic station so it won't cost as much as the Mascouche line stations for example.

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Le coût d'une gare à Mirabel est relativement bas. Reste à voir ce qu'elle peut rapporter en nombre d'usagers et en futur développement TOD. J'ai un préjugé positif envers ce projet.

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Il y avait un autre site que l'on previlegiait c'est sur la rue St-Charles plus proche de la zone residentiel. Mais ca posait probleme pour installer un stationnement et pour le debarcadere d'autobus.


Mais ce n'est pas loin du site de la rue victor. Une rue plus au nord seulement. On peut toujours relié la rue st-charles avec le site de la rue victor par un passage pietonnier pour faciliter l'acces a cette zone residentielle. C'est la distance d'un paté de maison pas la mer a boire.


En plus sur ce site la voie est double. On pourrait meme rallonger un peu plus la double voie vers le sud de l'autre coté de la rue victor pour faciliter les croisements.


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