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Something that someone here could help me with; every time I come to Montreal, I take the met and the last few times, I counted the ratio of 10-wheelers/merchandise vs cars. It was never more than 5-10%

What gives? I am sure that the research has been properly done but from empirical evidence, it doesn't seem like commercial traffic is all that big on the met.


Any info about this?


Hum, there are usually a lot more trucks than that (esp. in weekday afternoons, going west...)


...everyone is talking about the impact of reducing the number of trucks on the Met. Don't forget that only one truck causes huge damage to a(n elevated) highway, compared to hundreds of cars.

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5-10% is a very important ratio!


I will have to do some research to find the study i read a while ago, but basically it said that it takes only about 3% of vehicles on a highway to run slower than the others to cause a traffic jam!


so take 10% of trucks going slower than the average driving speed due to their slower accelaration and longer distances to break, its a huge impact on the flow.


One sight i can't forget is when I was driving back from toronto on a sunday evening/night a few weeks ago, and the ratio of trucks was about 5 trucks to one car on the other side of the highway! All these trucks must have passed on the island because there's almost nothing between toronto and Montreal.

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