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MONTRÉAL – Afin d’inciter les commerçants à respecter la Charte de la langue française, une campagne qui sera lancée cet automne ciblera les établissements dont le nom est rédigé dans une langue autre que le français.


L’initiative de l’Office québécois de la langue française se veut un rappel que nul n’est au-dessus de la loi 101, même si celle-ci ne peut forcer les entreprises à traduire leur marque de commerce.


La Charte de la langue française ne peut qu’obliger les commerçants à ajouter un terme descriptif ou générique, en français, au nom d’entreprise ou à la marque de commerce.


Par exemple, l’affichage «Les cafés Second Cup» respecte le règlement.


L’Office compte offrir un service de soutien aux entreprises fautives, tout en s’assurant de la conformité de l’affichage pour les détaillants rencontrés précédemment.




L'art de s'attarder aux choses inutiles (La langue de la raison sociale) plutôt qu'au vrai problème (la difficulté de se faire servir en français dans certains commerces) et cela peut importe le nom!

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What I find puzzling is that the OLF seem to answer to nobody. it doesn't matter if the PQ or the Liberals are in power these people make their own rules which are turned into laws, what the hell is going on in this province?

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What I find puzzling is that the OLF seem to answer to nobody. it doesn't matter if the PQ or the Liberals are in power these people make their own rules which are turned into laws, what the hell is going on in this province?


I was going to say, this was once a great province but who am I kidding. Quebec is just like Israel. The language he is like our bloody religion and will make everyone life hell if they do not follow the laws accordingly. You can hate me for the comparison, but we did have the FLQ at one point and time. Israel has Jerusalem and Quebec has the Plains of Abraham. Go figure, the Plains of Abraham is named after an Israelite.

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What I find puzzling is that the OLF seem to answer to nobody. it doesn't matter if the PQ or the Liberals are in power these people make their own rules which are turned into laws, what the hell is going on in this province?


euh to vote a law, you need a majority in the Assemblée Nationale... which the PLQ has.

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Often in more ethnics neighborhood, you stores called Marché Bengladesh or things like that, it has a perfectly french name, yet no one in there speaks french, or barely. On the other hand, you get served in french no problem in a store called American Eagle Outfitters or Future Shop!


That's definitely targeting a non-issue imo.

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I was going to say, this was once a great province but who am I kidding. Quebec is just like Israel. The language he is like our bloody religion and will make everyone life hell if they do not follow the laws accordingly. You can hate me for the comparison, but we did have the FLQ at one point and time. Israel has Jerusalem and Quebec has the Plains of Abraham. Go figure, the Plains of Abraham is named after an Israelite.


That's unfair. To Israel :)

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Le plus drôle c'est que tous les messages à la suite de la nouvelle sont en anglais!! héhé! :rolleyes: Pour ma part il est rare que je me fasse servir en anglais, je vais rarement dans l'Ouest cependant (pour moi l'Ouest c'est à partir de McGill).

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