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Tout ce qui a été posté par AntonioMtl

  1. I am a child of Italian immigrants and therefore am not a Québécois de souche. So, how can I be a bigot? As for McGill University, anglophones should be proud of having created this world-class institution but not at the expense of bitching on the francophones of Quebec who help finance McGill University. Francophones should stop State-funding these English schools and other instiutions and let the anglophones finance itheir own schools and institutions out of their own pockets if the anglohone Quebecers continue to bitch about Quebec.
  2. I agree with you for once. I am done debating the constiutional question of Quebec. However, who has poisoned the debate and added fuel to the fire by claiming that sovereignists are racists, hell-bent on destroying anglophones, claiming that any anglophones that vote PQ are sell-outs and other such imflammatory coments? It was you, Cyrus.
  3. They could also eliminate them for all I care. This saves money that could be invested into French schools and other institutions such as investing in the teaching of English and other languges in those French schools if parents want them taught to their children.
  4. Maybe. The fact that the francophones of Quebec are not following my suggestion proves how cool-headed they are. They are not the racists, hell-bent on destroying the anglophones that the Cyrus of the world like to paint them to be. Also, it is not just for emotional/political reasons, but also social reasons. Having a unique system of schools and other institutions, like other countries have, brings people together in harmony. In the case of Quebec, by forcing anglophones, francophones and allophones to the same schools will lead them to respect each other. They will all come together,be proud of each other, be proud to be Québécois and work together for the betterment of Quebec and for the world.
  5. That is what the original intent of Bill 101 was. It gave historical rights to the anglophones born and raised in Quebec to continue to have access to state-funded schools and institutions in their language. That was a very generous concession to the anglophone community in Quebec since no other country ever does this to their linguistic minorities. And yet, the anglophones continues to bitch and denigrate Bill 101 and continue to claim for the return of free choice to all. They bitch and claim that Quebec is a xenophobic state, Nazi and fascist state. Considering all this bitching, maintaining such funding to English schools and other institutions is not worth it. I am amazed how cool-headed the francophones of Quebec are concerning this anglo bitching. They could have easily said "to hell with the ungrateful anglophones" and cut all funding to English schools and other institutions. If I was in their place I would have done that. I am hot-headed. In fact I am amazed at how tolerant and open Quebecers have been and are towards immigrants. From Italian immigrants throwing chairs and intimidating francophones during the St-Léonard riots in 1968 to anglophone bitching, it is amazing that Quebec attitudes towards immigrants have not hardened over the years but remained open to them. Every country in the world promotes a unique system of schools and institutions. Not Quebec. And that is the problem and that is why Quebec still has the Two Solitudes social problem. Quebec needs to be more like the other countries.
  6. This is a paranoid statement. What evidence do you have for this claim? If you are referring to Bill 101, it was designed to protect and promote French. It amazes me that Quebec anglophones still are not sensitive to the fragile state of French in the anglophone-dominated North America and why French-speaking Quebecers would want Bill 101 to protect French. Even the United States is passing language laws to protect English from Spanish because of the growin hispanic population in the USA despite the fact that English is still the dominant language in North America and the world. I don't understand your reasoning here or what you mean by "territorial nationalism". Are you saying that Canada can define itself a territorial nationalism but not Quebec? Unlike Canada and its northern frontier being contested with other Artic countries, Quebec has a well-defined boundary all around and so it could claim territorial nationalism if it wants to. How is the PQ xenophobic? They support immigration. I am a child of immigrants and even I think the 55,000 threshold that Quebec sets for new immigrants each year is too high because I don't think Quebec could integrate all 55,000 immigrants. Few countries in the world accept 55,000 immigrants each year that Quebec does. I am new here so I don't know who you are talking about or what happened. However, I suspect you are exagerrating. If he or she is like most Quebecers I know, he or she is offended to speak English to an English-speaking Quebecer who are raised in Quebec and who refuses to speak the official language of Quebec, which is French, or integrate into the Quebec society. This is perfectly justified reaction. These Quebecers probably have no trouble speaking English to American or ROC tourists, because they know that not all of these people can speak fluent French. I have friends in Italy and they tell me that they wouldn't tolerate someone who is born in Italy, grew up in Italy but refuses to speak Italian or integrate into Italian society. But they have no trouble speaking to tourists outside Italy because they understand that not all of them can speak Italian. So if some Quebecers refuses to speak English to Quebecers, this is a common reaction and should not be considered as xenophobic. Bill 103 is a despicable law. It allows rich people to circumvent the law. In other words, it gives one set of rules to the rich and another to others. In a society that prides itself on equality, Bil 103 is offensive. Furthermore, I believe that Bill 101 does not go far enough. It should abolish funding for English schools and institutions. There is not one country in the world that offers parallel funding of schools and other instutions in multiple languages like Quebec does. They all have ONE system of schools and institutions. Only in Quebec, would it offer separate schools and institutions into English and French. This is nonsensical and harmful to social cohesion. Quebec should offer only one system of schools and other institutions and the common language of these insitutions should be French. English and other languages can be taught in those French schools if parents want their children to learn these languages. Quebec economy stagnant? Have you been reading the news? It is doing very well. Scandinavian countries have all of the features that you deride and yet it doesn'T stop them from being the top countries in the world according to various rankings. The United States and its mantra of free markets/ low taxations are usually down the lists of world rankings of best countries in the world. At least Quebec is willing to tackle taboos instead of being slaves to the PC police. In fact, a recent poll shows that Quebecers are more open to immigration than ROC except for British Columbia. This tells me that ROC is in need to have its own debate on "reasonable accomadation" but they won't because it is a taboo subject. Not a very healthy attitude if you ask me.
  7. J'aime bien Marsan aussi. Son livre « Montréal en évolution » est bon pour les critiques sur l'architecture et sur l'aménagement urbain. Malheureusement, je trouve que ses critiques négatives sur la gestion politique de l'aménagement de Montréal se tiennent toujours aujourd'hui. Les promoteurs d'aujourd'hui sont toujours des dinosaures.
  8. Merci pour les recommandations. J'ai ces deux livres aussi. Ces tomes sont difficiles à trouver. J'ai trouvé seulement les tomes 4 et 5 chez ma bibliothèque. J'espère que tous les tomes seront réédités.
  9. And that is why there is corruption. How does the PQ bring the most damage to Québec according to you? The government of René-Lévesque and that of Parizeau-Bouchard were excellent governments that has greatly advanced Quebec. In fact, many Quebecers, including honest federalists, consider the René-Lévesque government as the best government Quebec ever had, better than the Jean-Lesage government in the early 60s. Or is it the fact that the PQ supports sovereignty for Quebec that bothers you? In that case, do not worry because the PQ is not likely to hold a referendum in their first mandate if they win the next election. Even if they do hold a referendum and win it, so what? Independence would bring great service to Montreal. It would transform Montreal from a inconsequental city in Canada into an economic and cultural capital of a country. Think of all the synergies that would result from this. Quebec City would also benefit from these synergies since it would become the political capital of a country.
  10. Bonjour tout le monde. J'espère que je suis le bienvenu ici. J'adore Montréal et le Québec. J'aime les livres encyclopédiques comme «*l'architecture de Montréal*: guide des styles et des bâtiments (1990)*» et aussi «*Pignon sur rue, les quartiers de Montréal (1999)*» Je voudrais savoir quels livres vous préférez au sujet de Montréal.
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