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  1. hey not complaining, there was a time we would have killed for all these developments, so ill take it!!
  2. Not the nicest building ever designed, but at least it is another 200m tower. Theyre would have been a time we would have dreamed of at least having one pop up, now we have so much going up (800 saint jacques, VSLP, Maestra, Square Phillips) which makes me very happy!!! *Positive Vibes*
  3. It breaks my heart to say this but there goes the return of our Expos😭😭😭
  4. Does anyone know if they will also renovate the existing building? I find it so hard to believe they'll keep that white brick, at least paint it black!!
  5. Maybe the Laurentien bank? They are tenants of the building on RL and peel. But they only occupy 9 floors.
  6. Gio22

    Expos de Montréal

    I am not able to copy the link from my app, but a story in the Journal de Montreal is stating the Bronfman along with his partners will become minority owner's of the Tampa Bay Rays by the summer. It also talks about the ballpark and how hes working with the office de consulation (sorry if i botched the name)
  7. They are most likely pouring concrete. Concrete cannot poured under 0*c therefore they most likely are using heaters to heat the area and the tarps prevent the heat from escaping
  8. Gio22

    Expos de Montréal Interesting read, sadly its not looking good for Tampa Bay, I am sure the MLB's patience is wearing thin with the stadium situation.
  9. according to journal de montreal, SPECTRA will be moivng to the deloitte tower and will occupy the 19th and 20th floor of the tower. Geoff Molson expected to hold a news conference tomorrow regarding important restructuring of Groupe CH (which own the Canadiens, Laval Rocket, Spectra and Evenko)
  10. Yes the building can be nicer. But there was a time we greatly wanted all these developments so im not complaining. Also RL has greatly improved between Guy and Peel (Icone, Rocabella, YUL, quinzecent, apartement dorchester ect) but really needs some love between Peel Saint-Laurenrant and Peel. The only 2 new developments in that section have been the AC hotel ans the mariot, so it also helps out with that too. Overall I wish it was nicer, but its a 45 strorey building in a important location so ill take it
  11. Gio22

    Expos de Montréal

    I completely agree with vincethewipet. As bronfman mentioned his intentions is to build a stadium of 32 000-34 000. Granted there will be interior parking in the stadium for players and personnel within the team, he did say he wants a small parking lot. So if the parking lot is 1% of the total stadium capacity (taking an avergae of 33000) that is still 330 parking spots for fans only!! Will it fill up fast? Yes Im sure it would but lets remember, the MLB is not like the NFL, NHL or NBA. There are 81 HOME games in the MLB schedule. Games will be paid during the afternoon on weekdays, therefore there will not always be a sellout crowd at the stadium, sometimes there might only be 10,000 people at the stadium. Hence we should not worry about if the parking lot is small. Also just like the bell center, there will be merchants who will turn their land into a parking lot, and not to mention that there is public parking at nearly every high-rise building in Griffintown. Yes you are on the lowest level and its expensive but none the less there still is parking. I do hope this project will see the light of day. Bronfman seems to working very hard into doing everything the way the city wants and is trying to incorporate as much as possible from opposing groups into the project. As he stated there will be a stadium, a public park, shops, condos, office buildings, and SOCIAL HOUSING!!! Bronfman wants to add a sport-etude for baseball, I would not be surprised with all the development he is planning that a school will be added, and I'm sure hell also include plans for a community center. To have social housing on the entire redevelopment is simply stupid!!! This is a billion dollar investment, Bronfman has done his homework. He has meet with mayor Plante, met with various groups to make sure the project will include what they believe is important for the area. I really hope it will see the light of day and extremely excited about the potential return of the expos.
  12. Gio22

    Expos de Montréal

    Toit rétractable favorisé
  13. hopefully by some miracle we can also include hotel 1175 in that list
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