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Informations sur le membre

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    Ce qui se conçoit bien s'énonce clairement et les mots pour le dire viennent aisément. (Boileau)
  • Occupation
    Directeur, Traduction juridique

Newtonz99's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)


Réputation sur la communauté

  1. I will complain to Air Canada.
  2. Excerpt from AIR CANADA CORPORATE POLICY AND GUIDELINES ON BUSINESS CONDUCT Social Networking Websites, Blogs, Chat Rooms and Other Fora When participating in Internet chat rooms, blogs, bulletin boards, newsgroups, social networking websites, etc. ("Online Postings"), (as well as in any other fora) unless specifically authorized by the Company, employees must make clear that the opinions that they are expressing are strictly those of the employee and do not reflect the opinions of the Company. Employees are prohibited from giving the impression that they are speaking on behalf of the Company or expressing the Company's perspective in any forum. Employees’ obligation of confidentiality extends beyond work hours and outside of the workplace. In this regard, an employee's right to express himself or herself on an Online Posting or other forum is subject to his or her obligation of confidentiality and legal duty of loyalty towards the Company. Consequently, employees are strictly prohibited from discussing on any Online Postings or other forum any confidential, non-public, proprietary or personal information, trade secrets or other information about the Company, its business, executives, management, employees, customers, suppliers, partners, affiliates or competitors, including but not limited to comments about its services, products, operational performance, financial results or stock performance. Employees are also prohibited from using the Company's trademarks or copyrighted material on any Online Postings or in any other forum. Employees are prohibited from publishing or posting material on any Online Postings or in any other forum that damages or negatively impacts or disparages the reputation or image of the Company, its policies, operations, executives, management, services, products, customers, suppliers, partners, affiliates, competitors or any of its employees. Employees are also prohibited from posting or publishing images of themselves or other employees in uniform or visible nametags, or otherwise identifying themselves or others as employees in Online Postings or any other forum without first obtaining the Company's permission. Participation in any Online Posting or other forum must be in conformity with this Code and any other applicable guidelines (including the Social Media Guidelines), rules or policies, and violations of any such guidelines, rules, policies or this Code of Conduct may lead to disciplinary action, including loss of travel privileges and up to and including discharge.
  3. Le Robert Dixel, à luxure : littér. Goût immodéré, recherche et pratique des plaisirs sexuels, considérés comme immoraux. Envoyé de mon iPad à l'aide de Tapatalk HD
  4. C'est toujours agréable d'avoir un regard éclairé de l'extérieur (quoique plus vraiment de l'extérieur). Si Montréal était parfait, on ne chercherait pas à l'améliorer, et ce serait mortellement ennuyant. Merci pour vos commentaires!
  5. You're acting like an insecured young man. Please govern yourselves, and stop polticizing everything. Have a nice evening anyway.
  6. Mark_ac n'est pas un porte-parole d'AC, même s'il se comporte de la sorte. C'est un simple blogger, rien de plus. D'un point de vue éthique ou des relations publiques, il commet une faute en agissant ainsi et est déloyal envers son employeur. Et il devrait le savoir. De toute façon, un directeur, ce n'est pas bien haut dans la hiérarchie pour donner l'impression qu'on "run la business".
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