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  1. Comme de quoi qu'on est pas les seuls à subir l'incompétence, le mauvais jugement et la corruption. Mais le National Post, mon Quebec basher préféré mets çà sur le dos du parti des libellules ontariennes, son deuxième souffre-douleur. Chris Selley: Auditor general reveals astonishing details of the Ontario Liberals’ infrastructure incompetence
  2. Deux nouveaux membres ont posté des commentaires vraiment bizarres récemment. membres: Sumer et arabella Ils ont le même Modus operandi. Ils sont des nouveaux membres, bump un vieux post avec un commentaire étrange et pas rapport. WTF?
  3. Financial Post This is part of a 6-part series on Mining in Northern Quebec, so enjoy the read.
  4. Au Pied de Cochon 536 Duluth Est Montréal (Québec) H2L 1A9 Tél: 514.281.1114 A must try is the PDC Melting Pot, which has a lot of different types of meat from the pig. It is really filling thats for sure. The most well known dish is the duck in a can! I really need to try that out next time. I find it is reasonably priced for something quite unique. Also if you do go, please make a reservation. I will be posting other interesting restaurants later on Also if you like you can post some here also.
  5. C'est arrivé! Il me fait grand plaisir d'annoncer le lancement de notre quatrième édition internationale. Le Huffington Post Québec, en tandem avec le HuffPost Canada, couvre désormais l'actualité de ce grand pays voisin et ami des États-Unis. C'est la première fois que deux éditions du HuffPost paraissent à l'intérieur d'un même pays. Soyez sans crainte: il n'y aura pas de lutte fratricide, mais bien une collaboration étroite entre les deux équipes éditoriales, ce qui favorisera l'accomplissement de notre mission. Nous sommes motivés à devenir l'épicentre du reportage, des blogues participatifs, de l'engagement social et de la curation de contenu d'un océan à l'autre. Et puisque le développement de communautés fait partie de notre ADN, l'équipe du Huffington Post Québec sera en contact régulier avec celle du Huffington Post France, de manière à apporter aux Québécois les contenus d'outre-Atlantique les plus susceptibles de les intéresser, et vice versa. Cette édition de langue française sera dirigée par une équipe chevronnée, bien enracinée dans la réalité québécoise au plan personnel et professionnel. On y couvrira tout ce qui fait du Québec un endroit unique : sa langue, son architecture typique, ses partis politiques et -- bien entendu -- sa scène artistique en ébullition. Comme l'écrivait récemment Francisco Toro dans le New York Times, «le Québec peut compter sur ses propres vedettes de la télé et de la chanson, sur des chefs talentueux et bien d'autres créateurs qui semblent nullement importunés par leur manque de notoriété dans le reste du Canada.» Il n'y aura pas de tabou au HuffPost Québec. Nous y discuterons avec passion -- et dans les limites de la civilité -- des questions de langue, de culture et d'identité qui font du Québec une partie intégrante du Canada... et entièrement différente à la fois. Nous espérons que la variété des modes d'expression regroupés au sein du HuffPost saura rejoindre les Québécois, et surtout, les convaincre d'y participer pour partager leur version des faits. Au cours des trois derniers mois de 2011, le Québec a perdu près de 70 000 emplois, ce qui constituerait la chute du taux d'activité la plus brutale survenue depuis trois décennies. Au mois de décembre dernier, le taux de chômage a atteint un pic de 8,7 pour cent. Après avoir fait bonne figure par rapport à l'Ontario, le Québec dépasse désormais cette province par un point de pourcentage. Par ailleurs, l'état des infrastructures de la région montréalaise inquiète. L'effondrement d'un paralume de béton sur l'autoroute Ville-Marie et la décrépitude du pont Champlain -- qui doit être reconstruit incessamment -- ont plus que jamais alimenté les conversations l'été dernier. Nous vivons des temps incertains. C'est pourquoi nous soulignerons le travail de gens et d'organisations qui améliorent le quotidien des plus démunis par leur créativité, leur empathie et leur persévérance. Il sera question de Jeunesse au Soleil, qui fournit des services éducatifs, sportifs et sociaux depuis 1954. Il sera également question de Centraide, qui lutte contre la pauvreté à Montréal, Laval et sur la Rive-Sud, ainsi que de Moisson Montréal, cette banque alimentaire d'envergure qui approvisionne des centaines de milliers de personnes. Il sera également question d'entrepreneurs qui -- par leur sens de l'innovation -- bâtissent le Québec de demain. En guise d'exemple, Steve Couture, Philippe Bégin et Christian Daigle ont fondé le studio Frima en 2003 et ont depuis positionné leur firme parmi les chefs de file en matière de création de jeux vidéo multiplateformes. «Nous voulons employer le talent local au maximum, afin d'exporter des œuvres intellectuelles partout dans le monde», affirmait M. Couture l'an dernier. À la rencontre du monde politique et des technologies numériques, le député Henri-François Gautrin, siégeant à l'Assemblée nationale depuis 1989, se creuse les méninges pour déterminer comment le gouvernement du Québec utilisera les outils en ligne, incluant les blogues, pour devenir plus transparent et efficace. Le rédacteur en chef du Huffington Post Québec est Patrick White, un natif de la Vieille Capitale possédant plus de 20 ans d'expérience en journalisme. Diplômé de l'Université Laval, M. White s'est illustré auparavant chez, un acteur majeur des médias interactifs. Quant au chef des nouvelles Jean-Philippe Cipriani, il s'est joint à l'équipe après 10 ans à Radio-Canada. Enfin, l'éditrice des blogues Tamy Emma Pepin a pris du galon au Journal de Montréal, le quotidien au plus fort tirage de toute la province. En ce jour de lancement, notre reporter Nils Saryas décortique les plus récentes données du recensement; Caroline d'Astous explique comment la Société des casinos du Québec entend utiliser les logiciels de reconnaissance faciale pour éloigner les joueurs compulsifs; Nicolas Laffont suit des militaires lors d'un exercice dans la région Chaudière-Appalaches; Rachel Nadon couvre en direct la Semaine de mode de Montréal, accompagnée de l'auteure Marie-Sissi Labrèche (Amour et autres violences); Catherine Matusiak nous présente les films québécois sélectionnés à la Berlinale; et enfin, nous ne dérogerons pas à la fièvre du hockey puisqu'il sera question du match d'hier soir entre les Penguins et les Canadiens. Nos blogueurs ne sont pas en reste, puisque le président d'Haïti Michel Martelly souligne l'importance d'attirer les investissements étrangers dans son pays; l'animatrice de radio et de télévision Anne-Marie Withenshaw reçoit le cinéaste Xavier Dolan; la documentariste Francine Pelletier partage ses impressions au sujet de la chanteuse Cœur de Pirate; le directeur de la fondation David Suzuki, Karel Mayrand, publie une lettre ouverte au premier ministre Stephen Harper; et l'acteur Sébastien Dhavernas propose des solutions au problème éthique soulevé par ces députés qui ont récemment «reviré leur veste». Dans la même veine politique, le professeur Louis Balthazar, de l'UQÀM, déplore la perte de crédibilité du Parti républicain; la députée Fatima Houda-Pepin insiste sur la nécessité de protéger les femmes de certaines pratiques religieuses pouvant contrevenir à leurs droits; le spécialiste des communications numériques Bruno Guglielminetti aborde la question de la censure dans Twitter; et enfin, le député Yves-François Blanchet nous explique pourquoi il a décidé de bloguer pour Le Huffington Post Québec. Bref, les Québécoises et Québécois sont cordialement invités à consulter Le Huffington Post Québec. Nous sommes persuadés que les francophiles et francophones de partout au Canada y trouveront aussi leur compte. Merci de publier vos commentaires dans la section appropriée pour partager vos premières impressions.
  6. Arianna Huffington casts her Net ever wider. Arianna Huffington's life reads like a salacious Vanity Fair profile, the contradictions of her power splayed out on every glossy page, inviting controversy. She's a millionaire who built her Huffington Post online media empire - sold to AOL a year ago for $315 million - on the unpaid work of more than 9,000 bloggers, one of whom is now suing on their behalf for one-third of the value: $105 million. She was a conservative commentator in the 1990s who recycled herself as a freethinking independent (with strong liberal views) for the 21st century. She was married for a decade to a Republican congressman, Michael Huffington, who turned out to be bisexual and started campaigning for gay rights. Author of a dozen non-fiction books, she has been accused of plagiarizing passages for three of them (including biographies of Maria Callas and Pablo Picasso). Since last November, she's being sued by two consultants who say she stole the Huffington Post idea from them back in 2004 (it launched in 2005). What else? She's a woman who has come from far, has hobnobbed with the greats and is known by the company she keeps. A brief sketch of her career arc gives an idea of the distance travelled. Born in Greece (née Stasinopoúlou); educated in England (Cambridge University); longtime lover of the late British journalist Bernard Levin (who was twice her age and, for a spell, a fellow follower of the Indian mystic Rajneesh); a New Yorker since the early 1980s and U.S. citizen since 1990; political TV comedy writer in the 1990s who worked with Al Franken and Bill Maher; unsuccessful indie candidate for California governor in 2003; parent (with her ex, Michael) of two daughters, both now in their early 20s. These days, Huffington is in expansion mode, spreading her media brand - a blend of original reporting and aggregated news and opinion from websites all around the world - to Canada, Europe and beyond. With a staff of 200 employees and its thousands of bloggers, gets 35 million unique visitors a month, more than the New York Times. Huffington Post Canada, the service's first foreign edition, launched online last May and, with its staff of 20 and bloggers ranging from David Suzuki to Conrad Black, has a monthly audience of more than 1.8 million. A British edition launched last July, Le Huffington Post launched in France last week, Le Huffington Post Québec launches Wednesday, a Spanish edition will begin the third week of March and an Italian one in April. There are also negotiations to start three other foreign editions this year, in Germany, Brazil and Turkey. Huffington, 61, will be in Montreal Wednesday for the launch of the French-language service here. And, true to form, she'll arrive amid a bit of controversy. As The Gazette reported this week, about a dozen Quebec luminaries - politicians like Louise Harel and Pierre Curzi, intellectuals like Normand Baillargeon, environmental activists like Steven Guilbeault - had been lined up to blog for Huffington Québec but have now withdrawn their offers to write for free. Some said they were too busy, but the reason most gave was that they preferred to be paid for their work. When I caught up with her a week ago after the launch in France, Huffington was in a typically upbeat mood, deflecting criticism in her distinctive Greek accent and nasally voice that boomed down her BlackBerry line from Davos, Switzerland. She was attending a supper of the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship on the eve of the annual meeting of global leaders at the World Economic Forum. I began by asking Huffington what she plans for the new Quebec site. How will Huffington Post Québec be different from Huffington Post Canada or Huffington Post in France? Every different province or country will be rooted in the culture of the province or country, edited by local journalists. Of course, we are going to be able to leverage the French site and translate stories that are of local interest, like the U.S. election, and lifestyle stories that are more universal. We now have 50 sections in the U.S. and whether it is in style or women or books or parenting, the whole point of the site is very much to embrace the country or the province - in this case, embracing Quebec and the Québécois and what they love. And what do the Québécois love? Do you know? There's isn't just one thing - it's a very varied community. Am I right about that? Yes, but we have certain preoccupations here that are different from the rest of Canada's. Yes, of course, and the Québécois want to read about their own politicians, which is why among the many bloggers we've recruited there's Pierre Curzi (note: who in fact has since bowed out), Yves-François Blanchet, Jamie Nichols, actors like Charlotte Laurier, Évelyne de la Chenelière (note: who has also bowed out), Micheline Lanctôt, musicians. So you know, part of it is hearing from their own people and part of it is addressing their own preoccupations. You're travelling a lot these days? I am, but I think it's worth it. This is the year for us to grow internationally and it's really exciting to be in each country as we launch. We've launched Canada, which is doing incredibly well; we're launching in the U.K., then there's Spain in maybe the third week of March, then Italy in April. We're still talking with Germany, Turkey and Brazil - we don't have finalized partnerships there, but we are in conversations. Tell me about the HuffPost business model - as an aggregator and also producer of original content, including nonpaid bloggers - and what that means for journalism in the 21st century. Well, first of all, the Huffington Post is now both a journalistic enterprise and a platform. You know, we started by doing a lot more aggregating, but now we have almost 400 professional full-time journalists - reporting, breaking stories. We are here, for example (in Davos), with our executive business editor (Peter S. Goodman), who has done some of the best coverage in the States around poverty and how this is impacting the Republican primaries; when we had our political reporter covering the primaries in South Carolina, (Goodman) was covering what was happening with the issue of downward mobility there, which has been one of the issues that hasn't been adequately covered, the fate of the middle class. So what I'm saying is that we don't just do the conventional reporting that we have to do, the bread and butter, covering what everybody's covering, like the State of the Union, or in the case of Quebec, I'm sure covering the Plan Nord, the plan to exploit natural resources in northern Quebec. Whatever the Arianna Huffington issues of the moment are, we'll have to cover them obsessively, because they're of tremendous interest. But we'll need to go to the big issues, and stay on them, and basically generate interest in them. That's what we've done with series like Beyond the Battlefield, which covers the state of the returning vets from the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. So my point is that to describe the Huffington Post as just an aggregator now is just behind the times. You plan to have seven employees in Quebec. Will that grow over time? Of course. You know, when we launched the Huffington Post (U.S.) in May 2005, we had five staff. So the whole goal is to start small and grow, become profitable and attract advertising. In our case, that doesn't just mean advertising based on CPMs (cost per mile, or 1,000 visitors), but sponsorships, like an entire section we have now with Johnson & Johnson on global motherhood, and sponsorship of a good-news section, and sponsorship of a video series on social responsibility and, since the launch in France, sponsorships by L'Oréal and Orange. It's a different model. Our content is free, we don't have any plans to charge for anything, but the advertising that we bring in now moves way beyond the usual CPM model. How do you avoid the two coming too close together: sponsorship and what you're actually covering? Well, obviously that is very important and the key here is transparency. If we have a section that is sponsored, it transparently says so; there is no mixing up of the content, so no one is left in any doubt as to whether the section is sponsored or not. Tell me about yourself. Did you ever imagine you'd be flying around the world as a journalism executive? You mean when I was growing up in Athens, did I ever think one day I would become a blogger and that one day the Huffington Post would grow and make more babies around the world? No, I don't think so. Don't forget, I was pretty old when we launched the Huffington Post; I had already written a dozen books; I was 55 and now I'm 61. It shows that it's never too late to get involved with the Internet - or any start-up. What electronic devices do you use? I'm a BlackBerry addict. At the moment I have four BlackBerrys in front of me, because I have one for every provider for where I travel. I'm calling you on one. And of course, I have an iPad. But the one I really depend on is my BlackBerry. I have to send you a piece I wrote on the time I lost my BlackBerry in the Mediterranean. It fell into the sea. You just launched in France. How did the appointment of editorial director Anne Sinclair (ex-TF1 TV news host and wife of disgraced ex-International Monetary Fund managing director Dominique Strauss-Kahn) go over with the media there? Oh, actually, amazing. We were all surprised by how positive the reception was at the press conference, where there were 260 journalists and two dozen cameras and television cameras. She's a professional journalist with tremendous cachet in France, and she herself had developed the business strategy of TF1 when she was there in the 1990s, and then had her own blog during the 2008 presidential race. Beyond that, I think there was something else that we were surprised by: If you go to her Facebook page in France, there are all these dozens of women who, even before we launched, came on her page and went (apropos of the DSK scandal): "Go, Anne, it makes it easier for us to get up after an ordeal and get back into the arena." Very often, especially for women, after a setback or a defeat or whatever it is, we want to hide ourselves under the covers. She instead has entered the arena again and been passionate and incredibly dedicated to learning everything and being involved in every aspect of the launch. You seem to have a knack for finding high-profile people to work for you. Is that part of the secret of your success? Well, we have high-profile people and we have thousands of people nobody had heard of before. And that's another thing that I love: being able to provide a platform to people who may already have their own blogs but who can cross paths with us and amplify their voices. A lot of the blogs we have in France now are people like Catherine Cerisey, who's tracking her own struggle with breast cancer, and suddenly this is getting all this traffic that is attracting attention to her own story. Arianna Huffington will launch Le Huffington Post Québec with a news conference Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. at the Gault Hotel in Old Montreal; she'll be joined by her Quebec editor, Patrick White, and two top executives of parent company AOL Canada. From noon to 2 p.m., she'll attend a luncheon at the Fairmount Queen Elizabeth Hotel and speak on How Social Media Are Transforming the World; the event is organized by CORIM (Montreal Council on Foreign Relations); tickets start at $75 and advance registration is required; for more details, visit A WINDOW ON LE HUFFINGTON POST QUÉBEC Owned by: AOL Huffington Post Media Group Language: French Headquarters (until April): 24th floor of 1000 de la Gauchetière St., Montreal Editor: Patrick White Staff: 7 Freelancers: 15 Bloggers: 120 Some who will blog for free: Charlotte Laurier, Claude Carignan, Louis Bernard. Some who decided not to blog: Louise Harel, Jean Barbe, Évelyne de la Chenelière Launch date: Wednesday Expected audience: 200,000 unique visitors per month Percentage of Quebecers who have never heard of Huffington Post: 82 (November 2011 poll) Sources: Huffington Post, The Gazette Read more:
  7. Since I don not have permission to post in les Discussions Politiques(Whatever!!) I wanted to post this advertisement for anyone in the forum that would like an insider's opinion. Paul Sauvé has come out with a book on the construction industry. Should make for interesting reading. He was also pushing his book today at noon with Mutsumi Takahashi on CTV Montreal. L'Industrie de la corruption Par paul sauvé EN SAVOIR PLUS Résumé Dans ce témoignage percutant, basé sur son expérience personnelle, Paul Sauvé lève le voile sur ce qu'il nomme lui-même « une machine corrompue ». De la collusion au crime organisé, en passant par le principe de fausses facturations, le lobbyisme illégal et le financement des partis politiques, Paul Sauvé n'épargne personne en décrivant dans le détail les méthodes répréhensibles de cette industrie florissante. Détails Prix : 19,95 $ Catégorie : Essais canadiens Auteur : paul sauvé PAUL SAUVÉ Titre : L'Industrie de la corruption Date de parution : novembre 2011 Éditeur : VLB Sujet : SOCIOLOGIE/CRIMINALITE ISBN : 9782896493166 (2896493166) Référence Renaud-Bray : 110042392 No de produit : 1210128
  8. (Courtesy of the Financial Post) RBC is pulling out, yet BMO and TD are expanding. Lets see what happens.
  9. I made all of the generic avatars on this website. As my right to post in the political section has been withdrawn, I am now revoking this website's right to use the avatars I have provided. I ask that all those who are using an avatar found in the avatar gallery to stop using these avatars immediatley. They are my intellectual property.
  10. Where do you locate on the Political Compass? After taking the Test, if you can either post the coordinates and/or the graph with the dot on it. Economic Left/Right: 7.00 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 4.62 I'm fairly right economically, however on social issues I tend to be more centrist (however in the authoritarian quadrant still). In general, I'm ideologically similar to Harper and McCain. Bush if a little further right than I am and more authoritarian. Obama is further left and a little less authoritarian. Take the test here:
  11. Bonjour a tous, Taking a quick Super Bowl break to post something I've wanted to share with you for a few days. Henry Aubin wrote in The Gazette what was presented as an article on the construction of "tall" new rental buildings downtown and questioning the wisdom of allowing this. I personally believe he's a little all over the place in his article and doesn't quite make a coherent argument. I think in the end what annoys me is that the how tall should we build question seems, for some reason, to often be present in this city. Anyhow here's the link you guys judge for yourselves.
  12. Newbie


    If you want to laugh a little bit, read this news story and the comment section! P.S.: I titled this thread "Arson" so other members can post stories about arson that do not necessarily involve the projects in the "Projects" forum.
  13. j'hallucine ou le premier post de chaque thread dans la section en construction apparait au haut de chaque page que je visionne sur celle ci ? ..
  14. Didn't know where to post this, but it makes the most sense here... Trudeau Airport was mentioned on Jeopardy last night... here's the link to youtube! The category was International Airports... they were given the name of the airport and they had to answer the city it is located in. The category begins at 7:08. Trudeau was worth $1000.
  15. Not sure where to post this but wanted to put it somewhere -- this new proposed London, England tower looks amazing.
  16. (Courtesy of Monocle) I don't have the full article yet. I will post it, when it comes online.
  17. Mort Zuckerman Who: Real estate developer Mortimer B. Zuckerman is the chairman of Boston Properties, one of the largest real estate developers in the United States, and the owner of U.S. News & World Report and the New York Daily News. Backstory: The son of a Montreal tobacco and candy wholesaler who passed away when Zuckerman was 17, the future real estate mogul headed off to college at McGill at age 16, then moved to the U.S. in the late '50s to attend business school at Wharton and law school at Harvard. After briefly enrolling in a PhD program, he turned to real estate, taking a job at a Boston-based development firm called Cabot, Cabot & Forbes at a starting salary $8,750. Zuckerman soon became one of the firm's young stars; he proved himself to be a pretty brash operator a few years later when he struck out on his own and teamed up with Ed Linde to form Boston Properties: Zuckerman immediately filed suit against his former employer over his ownership interest in a property he developed and ended up collecting a $5 million, which he used to make some of his first real estate deals. In the early '70s, Zuckerman and Linde began developing office buildings on the outskirts of Boston; they later moved into Boston proper and expanded to other cities during the '80s. By the middle part of the decade, Boston Properties had assembled 50 properties in its portfolio, 10 million square feet of real estate in Washington, Boston, New York, and San Francisco. It was during the company's growth spurt that Zuckerman started making his first investments in media, acquiring a small local newspaper chain in New England in the mid-'70s, The Atlantic in 1980, and U.S. News & World Report four years later. He purchased the Daily News in 1992. Of note: Zuckerman continues to serve as chairman of Boston Properties, and today the publicly-traded real-estate investment trust controls more than 100 commercial properties across the country. In New York, Boston Property's portfolio includes 599 Lexington (where Zuckerman's own 18th floor office is located) and 7 Times Square, which was built in 2004. But while there's little question Zuckerman has been enormously successful in the real estate game, his media track record is mixed. The Daily News squeezes out a small profit, but its battle with the Post has been bloody and painful, and U.S. News has been losing money for years and never managed to close the gap with larger rivals like Time and Newsweek. Zuckerman did extraordinarily well with his purchase of Fast Company—he unloaded it at the height of the dotcom boom for $350 million—but other media forays haven't panned out. In 2003, Zuckerman put in a bid for New York, ultimately losing out to Bruce Wasserstein; his investment in Radar lost him a good sum of money; and more recently, his effort to purchase Newsday never came to fruition when Cablevision's Jim Dolan snagged it instead. Keeping score: Zuckerman is worth $2.8 billion according to Forbes. On the job: Zuckerman isn't the sort of developer who spends his days on construction sites wearing a hard hat. Owning media outlets generates the sort of political and social currency that gives him entrée to the Washington political establishment and lands him an occasional seat on Sunday morning political talk shows. And he actively exercises his political influence as the "editor-in-chief" of U.S. News and owner of the News. While he isn't exactly sitting at his desk proofreading copy, he has a hand in the editorial direction of the magazine, which, most recently, he's used to take a series of (often cheap) shots at President Obama. Grudge: With the Daily News and the Post at each other's throats, Zuckerman has been a bitter rival of Rupert Murdoch for years. The Daily News questions the Post's circulation numbers. The Post chides "the Daily Snooze" for every misspelling and factual error. The News refers to Page Six as "Page Fix." The Post questions the methodology used to generate U.S. News's college rankings. And on and on. (The one thing they don't do is go after each other personally. Several years ago, PR guru Howard Rubenstein negotiated a pact between the two moguls to keep their private lives out of their respective papers.) He also isn't a fan of Bernie Madoff. After the Ponzi schemer was busted in 2009, Zuckerman revealed his personal foundation lost $25 million that had been entrusted to Madoff. Pet causes: Zuckerman gives to a variety of medical causes and Jewish charitable groups. In 2006, he announced his largest gift yet when he handed a $100 million check to Memorial Sloan-Kettering. His connection to the institution is personal: His daughter, Abigail, suffered from a childhood cancer that was treated at MSK. Personal: A notorious bachelor—the Washington Post once described him as having "dated more women than Italy has had governments"—Zuckerman's been connected to Nora Ephron, Gloria Steinem, Arianna Huffington, Diane von Furstenberg, Patricia Duff, and Marisa Berenson. In 1996, he tied the knot with art curator Marla Prather. (Justice Stephen Breyer officiated.) In 1997, they had a daughter, Abigail, before separating in 2000 and divorcing in 2001. In December of 2008, Zuckerman had a second daughter named Renee Esther. The identity of the mother, though, was not announced. It's believed the child was conceived via a surrogate. Habitat: Zuckerman resides in a triplex penthouse apartment at 950 Fifth Avenue decorated with paintings by Picasso, Rothko, and Matisse and sculptures by Frank Stella. (His neighbor back in the day was disgraced Tyco CEO Dennis Kozlowski.) Zuckerman also has a four-acre spread on Lily Pond Lane in East Hampton and a home in Aspen. Zuckerman has a helicopter to ferry him to the Hamptons. For longer trips, he relies on a $60 million, 18-seat Gulfstream G550 or a $35 million Falcon 900 that seats 14 people. True story: A film director pal, Irwin Winkler, cast him in the 1999 film, At First Sight. The role? Billionaire mogul Zuckerman played a homeless man. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vital Stats Full Name: Mortimer Benjamin Zuckerman Date of Birth: 06/04/1937 Place of Birth: High School: Undergrad: McGill University Graduate: McGill University Law School, Wharton, Harvard Law School Residence(s): Upper East Side, Aspen, CO East Hampton, NY Filed Under: Business, Media, Real Estate
  18. Interesting little article in the National Post on street food. You have to wonder why Montreal is so stubborn on insisting to not allow street food in this city. Ca fait plutot provinciale non?
  19. Montreal 1 out of 10 places choosen to be the Happiest Place in The World. (Courtesy of Huffington Post)
  20. Un article plein de préjugés sur Montréal et le comparant au New York des années 70. J'ai rarement vu un article aussi sévère envers une ville.... Montréal n'a peut-être pas la santé financière de New York mais ce n'est pas Beirut non plus... Mais dans le fond, pourquoi accorder autant d'importance a un tel torchon?? Pire journal anti-francophone du pays... Le National Post suit de pas trop loin....
  21. In the June-July issue there is an article on Michel Dallaire Its quite interesting to see all the stuff he has designed over the 44 years he has been in business for himself. If you do not know who he is... he designed the Bixi bikes and some of the benches in the city. Also notably the 1967 Olympic Torch. I will try and post the 11 page article, later on during the week.
  22. I saw this over the weekend in Time Square. Poor Uncle Sam. If you want post your own also. Make it like the youtube thread.
  23. Couple of old projects that never saw the light of day as they were planned ...Cite Concordia was drastically downsized and redesigned... Dashed projects - 1968 Two downtown projects that never happened. The Eaton-Mace project was a $125,000,0000 building slated for the area bounded by St. Catherine and Sherbrooke between University & Mansfield. It was guided by Brigadier-General Gordon Dorward de Salaberry Wotherspoon. The Montreal Trust mortgage group took it over after Mace ran out of cash. The Place de la Concorde was a $250,000,000 project to be plopped between Milton and Pine, Ste. Famile and Hutchison, roughly the area of what they tried to do a couple of years later with the La Cite project which would have levelled much of the McGill ghetto had it not it not been largely blocked by protests. I was not able to post it in cancelled projects!!
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